MCServer private dev survival server?
Doors are weird at the moment. You can duplicate them simply by placing a door and destroying it.

EDIT: Similar with chests. They keep reappearing in my inventory after placing them.

EDIT2: If chests are stacked on each other, you can only open the top chest in the stack. In vanilla, you can open the bottom chests too.

EDIT3: Seems like you don't get any flint by destroying gravel.

EDIT4: When getting shot by a skeleton, the death message says: "Player was killed by a ArrowEntity"

EDIT5: Trees don't drop saplings

I will create bug-reports soon.
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(07-02-2015, 04:49 PM)xoft Wrote: The server should never ever create a world that the admin didn't specify in settings.ini.

I disagree. By this reasoning, portals won't work automatically.
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They will, because for an empty settings.ini the default configuration should be created to allow for portals.

My reasoning is from an admin's viewpoint - I didn't configure a world, so I don't want a random new world being created.
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Looking at craftbukkit / spigot, they create as default three worlds.
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xoft: do you mean that when the nether is enabled, worlds can be created automatically?

In any case, to address your concern and improve the structure of the end/nether folders and the reliability of linking between them, I believe changes should be made to place those data files within the host world's.
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