Performance, Reliability and Plugins
We already have a small FAQ, but we don't have a comparison somewhere.

You can do quite allot of things with the Lua API, but currently you can't send fake packets. I did hope that we could implement a cPlayer::SendPacket or cClientHandle::SendPacket function.

No, you can't do advanced things within the server without that part being exported. Especially the advanced things within the server have to be exported manualy, otherwise you get parameters that don't match and crashes.

Multithreading is needed, but is hard to implement since a LuaState isn't thread-safe. There is also the option to allow multiple LuaStates for plugins, but it would be less optimal. There is also an issue on Github:

We don't have allot of anti-cheat measures in place. I believe you can't place blocks that are more than a X blocks from you, and if you place more blocks than Y in a tick, then you get kicked. I'm not sure how Cuberite would respond to CheatEngine. It's possible that you just get an error that the inventory isn't in sync anymore.
Thanks given by: Sonorpearl
Thank you again NiLSPACE.

In the following days I´ll have a look at the LUA-Api.
And I will try something out.

Thank you for everything in advance.

I just got a last question for you. ^^
How is it looking with a "BungeeCord"-System?
Eitherway adding the Server to a Spigot BungeeCord-System, or setting up a complete new just with MCServer.

Good Luck for your Future
With friendly Regards
Jan aka. Sonorpearl
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Cuberite supports BungeeCord, but you have to disable authentication first (I'm not sure if Spigot or Bukkit has to do the same). The only thing missing is a plugin that would tell BungeeCord to transport a player to a different server. But that should be possible already, since plugins already can use plugin channels. In case you or someone else want to give it a shot, you can find the documentation here. Smile
Thanks given by: Sonorpearl
(07-09-2015, 07:21 AM)NiLSPACE Wrote: No, it should not be that slow to filter out the blocks. Just put the filtering in the protocol that needs. This would probably be on the Windows 10 version since that is the version that is lacking features.

There would also be the concern of maintaining these lists, and changing the protocol classes to send on TCP and UDP, the latter of which PE uses. It's definitely not impossible, it just needs people working on it.
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