BungeeButtons [BETA]
Button-based Bungeecord Teleportation! You can now teleport players to other servers without them using commands!


Begins the creation of a BungeeButton
Permission: bungeebutton.create.button
Parameters: {Name} {Server} {Permission}
After running this command, the first button you click that is not already a BungeeButton will become a BungeeButton that teleports the player to {server} (name must be exactly the same as in the bungee config) so long as they have {permission}!

Begins the deletion of a BungeeButton
Permission: bungeebutton.delete.button
Parameters: [Name]
If a name is specified, it will delete the BungeeButton with that name (as defined in the original use of /bungeebutton). This name can be found in buttons.ini. If you do not include a name, the next BungeeButton you click will be deleted. You will keep this "Ready To Delete" status until you delete a button, disconnect, or use /bungeebuttondel again.

Saves button configuration in memory to file. Ran automatically on unload of plugin and shutdown of server.
Permission: bungeebutton.save
Parameters: none

Loads button configuration from file. Ran automatically on load of plugin. THIS WILL DELETE ANY BUNGEEBUTTONS THAT WERE MADE BETWEEN THE LAST USE OF BUNGEEBUTTONSAVE AND NOW!!!
Permission: bungeebutton.load
Parameters: none

Things to note about this plugin: I've only been coding in Lua for a few days, so keep that in mind if you decide to look at the code.

It's BETA not because it's easily broken (I did a good hour of testing and found no problems), but because there are a lot more features I want to bring in, including but not limited to pressure plates and specific blocks/coordinates, as well as better messaging while in use (which I was going to do before posting this and then just plum forgot.)

BIG thanks to NilSPACE and xoft for helping me get the teleports working!

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Thanks given by: DiamondToaster , DaPorkchop
Since I have 3 servers running on my network, this looks like a pretty useful plugin. Smile
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(10-25-2015, 12:53 PM)DiamondToaster Wrote: Since I have 3 servers running on my network, this looks like a pretty useful plugin. Smile

Glad to hear it! Please, report any bugs you might encounter. I'm hoping I worked all of them out, but you never know!
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I'll report back if I find anything while I set them up. Smile
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New update!!!

- Moved from clunky byte definitions to PMLib. You'll notice nothing different, but it will be a lot easier for me to maintain.
- Fixed bungeebuttonsave! I kinda accidentally made it delete EVERYTHING whenever the command was run. OOPS!
- Added messages! No more guessing if everything is working, it tells you!

Best way to update:
--: buttons.ini.default
--: PMLib.lua
--: ZLib.lua
--: main.lua
--Old main.lua: New main.lua
-Add to folder:
--: buttons.ini.default
--: PMLib.lua
--: ZLib.lua

Easy way to update:
--: Zip file
--: buttons.ini
--: Everything except buttons.ini
--: Everything (to plugin directory)
-If buttons.ini went missing (shouldn't happen but better safe than sorry):
--: Move backup back to plugin folder
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best way (and easiest)Der to update. if you use a git submodule (or clone, xush wanted that) you can just commit or stash buttons, then press "update" and you are fine (if stash, get it back)
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Just started using git. No idea how those work, but I'll look into them. Thanks.
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look into my thread and use it as sample.
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BungeeButtons don't seem to do ANYTHING... added some messages in the if statement where the player is teleported, the messages are sent, but the player isn't sent to another server. The both server have BungeeCord enabled. Undecided
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Perhaps Zee1234 should provide a full step-by-step example on how to set this up.
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