WebAdmin issues
Ah, yet another problem. The forms weren't parsed properly, because the content type header was not decoded. Should be fixed with PR https://github.com/cuberite/cuberite/pull/3069
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Sorry for replying so late, I actually restarted from scratch with a new Raspbian installation and compiled the build directly on the Pi.

The WebAdmin still has the same issue and the commit ID is: c815d03eb486d639e8222582e4e89bc1e0ad072b
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Mine is working correctly Smile
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@syberz Your server doesn't contain the fixes that I've done. You need to either compile a new version (git pull, make) or download a new one from the buildserver.
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Alright, is there a script that I can run that will recompile and update my existing installation?

I'm sorry if it's a stupid question, but I'm new to this.
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Did you compile your server yourself or did you download from the internet? If you downloaded, simply download again from wherever you did so before, and copy the Cuberite executable over the old one.
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For my first install I compiled it myself using --> sh -c "$(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cuberi...compile.sh)"

Can I just reuse that even though the files already exist?
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Yes, you should just be able to run that command again.
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Well I tried recompiling with that command but the commit ID is the same and my problem with the webadmin remains.
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Did you by chance use the "testing" branch on the compilation script?
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