Mini-game Sky Wars 
Version 2016.01.30
[UA] Якщо потрібно, можу створити опис на рідній мові.
- All data save in database (sqlite file).
- There are some bugs in the Cuberite where multiply cross world teleports crush the server. For that reason all Sky Wars maps load near world border. World map spawn point set in config.ini. When bug was resolved I'm recommend create "Sky Wars" world and change config.ini.
- All spawned maps delete after round is over (in world, not DB
What can you do:
- Create custom maps
- Set items into chests
- Set number of players for the map
- Set number of spawn points
- Set sign for game request
- Multiply maps per world.
- Copy maps to any server.
- Play the mini-game
- Configure map spawn point in config.ini file
- Something that I forgot
Where you can test the plugin:
You can try the plugin on server. White house near world spawn point
Commands list:
/sw is synonym (alias) for /SkyWars
/sw r - send request to map queue. (/sw request)
Map create commands:
/sw pc <amount> - set amount of players to start the game
/sw m - mark map 2 points (upper and lower) (/sw mark)
/sw s <name> - (/sw save)
/sw l <name> - load map (/sw load)
/sw e - exit from exit mode (/sw exit)
/sw sp - (/sw spawn) - process spawn point
/sw sp m - mark player spawn point (/sw sp mark)
/sw sp l - list spawn points (/sw sp list)
/sw sp d - delete spawn point (/sw sp delete)
/sw sp tp - teleport to spawn point
How to translate:
Edit file "msgs.lua" in UTF8 encoding
How to create maps:
- Create/load map in air.
- Put items in chests.
- Execute "/sw mark" and mark 2 opposite point of map. Lower point and upper point.
- Execute "/sw save <map name>". There are some information about chests process, etc.
- Execute "/sw sp m" and click on block over players will spawn.
- Create sign for players requests.
How to create sign for players request:
- Firs row is '[SkyWars]'.
- Second row is name of map.
- Third and fourth rows are comments and do not processed by plugin.
How to load map:
- Execute /sw m
- Mark one lower point in current world (x, y, z)
- Execute /sw l <map name>
- Execute /sw e
How to edit map:
- Load map
- Edit map
- Save map (/sw s <old name>)
How to backup/copy map to different server:
All data saved in "sky_wars_maps.sqlite3" file.
- Go to plugin directory
- Copy file in new location
Deault config.ini:
showConsoleDebugMessages - Show debug messages in server console. Values: true or false.
MapBorderPositionX - Firs map max spawn point on X axis.
MapBorderPositionY - Firs map max spawn point on Y axis.
MapBorderPositionZ - Firs map max spawn point on Z axis.
instanceWorldName - Name of world where maps will created and played. Do not use quotes. Set clean world name.
PlayerReconnectDataRestoreTimeout - I do not remember
Known bugs:
- There are private area create map unplayable. There are two different plugins. Plugin "Private" protect area. Therefore you must delete private areas where your Sky Wars maps will spawned.
To do:
- Fix some bugs

Version 2016.01.30
[UA] Якщо потрібно, можу створити опис на рідній мові.
- All data save in database (sqlite file).
- There are some bugs in the Cuberite where multiply cross world teleports crush the server. For that reason all Sky Wars maps load near world border. World map spawn point set in config.ini. When bug was resolved I'm recommend create "Sky Wars" world and change config.ini.
- All spawned maps delete after round is over (in world, not DB

What can you do:
- Create custom maps
- Set items into chests
- Set number of players for the map
- Set number of spawn points
- Set sign for game request
- Multiply maps per world.
- Copy maps to any server.
- Play the mini-game

- Configure map spawn point in config.ini file
- Something that I forgot

Where you can test the plugin:
You can try the plugin on server. White house near world spawn point
Commands list:
/sw is synonym (alias) for /SkyWars
/sw r - send request to map queue. (/sw request)
Map create commands:
/sw pc <amount> - set amount of players to start the game
/sw m - mark map 2 points (upper and lower) (/sw mark)
/sw s <name> - (/sw save)
/sw l <name> - load map (/sw load)
/sw e - exit from exit mode (/sw exit)
/sw sp - (/sw spawn) - process spawn point
/sw sp m - mark player spawn point (/sw sp mark)
/sw sp l - list spawn points (/sw sp list)
/sw sp d - delete spawn point (/sw sp delete)
/sw sp tp - teleport to spawn point
How to translate:
Edit file "msgs.lua" in UTF8 encoding
How to create maps:
- Create/load map in air.
- Put items in chests.
- Execute "/sw mark" and mark 2 opposite point of map. Lower point and upper point.
- Execute "/sw save <map name>". There are some information about chests process, etc.
- Execute "/sw sp m" and click on block over players will spawn.
- Create sign for players requests.
How to create sign for players request:
- Firs row is '[SkyWars]'.
- Second row is name of map.
- Third and fourth rows are comments and do not processed by plugin.
How to load map:
- Execute /sw m
- Mark one lower point in current world (x, y, z)
- Execute /sw l <map name>
- Execute /sw e
How to edit map:
- Load map
- Edit map
- Save map (/sw s <old name>)
How to backup/copy map to different server:
All data saved in "sky_wars_maps.sqlite3" file.
- Go to plugin directory
- Copy file in new location
Deault config.ini:
showConsoleDebugMessages - Show debug messages in server console. Values: true or false.
MapBorderPositionX - Firs map max spawn point on X axis.
MapBorderPositionY - Firs map max spawn point on Y axis.
MapBorderPositionZ - Firs map max spawn point on Z axis.
instanceWorldName - Name of world where maps will created and played. Do not use quotes. Set clean world name.
PlayerReconnectDataRestoreTimeout - I do not remember

Known bugs:
- There are private area create map unplayable. There are two different plugins. Plugin "Private" protect area. Therefore you must delete private areas where your Sky Wars maps will spawned.
To do:
- Fix some bugs
