Random Chitchat 2017
Just tried it and I see that I don't have the permission to create a repo in cuberiteĀ Confused. Permissions, pleaseĀ Big Grin
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Could you try it again?
Thanks given by: Seadragon91
Thank you @NiLSPACE created it Smile
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On Saturday I went to a competition, got 3rd place. Considering that I asked the lady I'm dancing with to dance with me at the competition just one day before that, I'd say the results are great Smile
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CongratulationsBig Grin
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I've just made my second public Factorio mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/xoft/TreeDeconstructorBig Grin
I really have to say, their documentation is POOOOOOOOR!
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The old black theme is available in https://forum.cuberite.org/usercp.php?action=options if anyone wants to continue using it.
See 'Board Style' in the 'Other Options' panel on the bottom right of the screen.
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I think the font color of .tfoot should change as well. Take a look at the Who's online page or the bottom of a thread page.
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The theme is a little too green for my taste. I actually had to check if the background color wasn't a little green as well, but that was my eyes playing tricks on me. On the other hand, I'm using the OldColors theme, so I don't really care much Wink
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Does it look better now?
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