02-28-2011, 02:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2011, 03:16 AM by codename_B.)
I've set this up to be 100% forwards compatible, for now, trees drop leaves - so when you plant leaves you grow a tree!
Also, when you plant saplings, they grow into trees too.
I decided that it wasn't sensible to have insta-grow trees, but they still grow pretty quickly and can be anywhere up to 8 blocks tall (wood).
I've used a very very very basic implementation for the leaves, but IMO it still looks good
I hope to see another update of this awesome software soon
This was created by planting the trees in a 5x5 rectangle then hollowing out a door and adding stairs
Also, when you plant saplings, they grow into trees too.
I decided that it wasn't sensible to have insta-grow trees, but they still grow pretty quickly and can be anywhere up to 8 blocks tall (wood).
I've used a very very very basic implementation for the leaves, but IMO it still looks good

PHP Code:
local TreePlugin = {}
TreePlugin.__index = TreePlugin
function TreePlugin:new()
local t = {}
setmetatable(t, TreePlugin)
local w = Lua__cPlugin:new()
tolua.setpeer(w, t)
return w
function TreePlugin:OnDisable()
Log( Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion() .. " is shutting down..." )
function TreePlugin:Initialize()
self:SetName( "Tree" )
self:SetVersion( 1 )
PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_TICK )
PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_DIG )
PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_PLACE )
self.TreeBlocks = {};
self.TreeBlocks = {};
Log( "Initialized " .. self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() )
self.NumTicks = 0;
return true
function IsFreeForTree(block)
return block == E_BLOCK_AIR
or block == E_BLOCK_TORCH
function IsTree(block)
return block == E_BLOCK_LOG;
function IsSapling(block)
return block == E_BLOCK_SAPLING
or block == E_BLOCK_LEAVES;
function TreePlugin:OnBlockPlace( PacketData, Player )
local X = PacketData.m_PosX
local Y = PacketData.m_PosY
local Z = PacketData.m_PosZ
X, Y, Z = AddDirection( X, Y, Z, PacketData.m_Direction )
local t = PacketData.m_ItemType; -- the type of item used to call the place command
local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld();
if(t == 6 or t==18) then -- sapling
Log("sapling: " .. X .. "," .. Y .. "," .. Z .. " -- adding due to Place... " .. t);
World:SetBlock(X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_LOG, 0);
self:AddSurroundings(X, Y, Z);
self:AddBlock(X, Y, Z);
return false
function TreePlugin:AddSurroundings(X, Y, Z)
local level_points = {
{X, Y+1, Z},
for key,val in pairs(level_points) do
self:AddBlock(val[1], val[2], val[3]);
function TreePlugin:AddBlock(X, Y, Z)
local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld();
local t = World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z);
if(t == E_BLOCK_LOG) then
Log("addblock adding");
table.insert(self.TreeBlocks, {X, Y, Z});
function TreePlugin:OnBlockDig( PacketData, Player )
function TreePlugin:Tick( DeltaTime )
if( self.NumTicks < 30 ) then -- Visible tree growth, but still awesome.
self.NumTicks = self.NumTicks + 1
local debug = true;
self.NumTicks = 0
local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
local OldBlocks = self.TreeBlocks;
self.TreeBlocks = {};
for key,val in pairs(OldBlocks) do
local X = val[1]
local Y = val[2]
local Z = val[3]
local t = World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z);
Log("processing: " .. X .. "," .. Y .. "," .. Z .. " -- " .. t);
countValue = math.random(4,7)
Yvalue = Y-countValue
local down = World:GetBlock(X, Yvalue, Z);
local up = World:GetBlock(X, Y+1, Z);
local sSelf = World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z);
if((IsTree(down))) then
-- treetop
World:SetBlock(X, Y+2, Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y+2, Z);
World:SetBlock(X, Y+1, Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y+1, Z);
-- z index plane 0
World:SetBlock(X, Y+1, Z-1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y+1, Z-1);
World:SetBlock(X, Y+1, Z+1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y+1, Z+1);
-- x index plane 0
World:SetBlock(X-1, Y+1, Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X-1, Y+1, Z);
World:SetBlock(X+1, Y+1, Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X+1, Y+1, Z);
-- z index plane 1
World:SetBlock(X, Y, Z-1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y, Z-1);
World:SetBlock(X, Y, Z+1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y, Z+1);
-- x index plane 1
World:SetBlock(X-1, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X-1, Y, Z);
World:SetBlock(X+1, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X+1, Y, Z);
-- xz index plane 1
World:SetBlock(X-1, Y, Z-1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X-1, Y, Z-1);
World:SetBlock(X+1, Y, Z+1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X+1, Y, Z+1);
-- zx index plane 1
World:SetBlock(X-1, Y, Z+1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X-1, Y, Z+1);
World:SetBlock(X+1, Y, Z-1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X+1, Y, Z-1);
-- z index plane 2
World:SetBlock(X, Y-1, Z-1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y-1, Z-1);
World:SetBlock(X, Y-1, Z+1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y-1, Z+1);
-- x index plane 2
World:SetBlock(X-1, Y-1, Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X-1, Y-1, Z);
World:SetBlock(X+1, Y-1, Z, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X+1, Y-1, Z);
-- xz index plane 2
World:SetBlock(X-1, Y-1, Z-1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X-1, Y-1, Z-1);
World:SetBlock(X+1, Y-1, Z+1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X+1, Y-1, Z+1);
-- zx index plane 2
World:SetBlock(X-1, Y-1, Z+1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X-1, Y-1, Z+1);
World:SetBlock(X+1, Y-1, Z-1, E_BLOCK_LEAVES, 8);
self:AddBlock(X+1, Y-1, Z-1);
Log(" stopping growth!");
Log(" up");
World:SetBlock(X, Y+1, Z, E_BLOCK_LOG, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y+1, Z);
if(IsSapling(sSelf)) then
Log("is Sapling! :D");
World:SetBlock(X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_LOG, 8);
self:AddBlock(X, Y, Z);
Plugin = TreePlugin:new()
cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():AddPlugin( Plugin )
I hope to see another update of this awesome software soon

This was created by planting the trees in a 5x5 rectangle then hollowing out a door and adding stairs

![[Image: sndx7b.png]](http://i54.tinypic.com/sndx7b.png)