I have set up a script that compiles the MC-Server sources into a Windows executable twice a day (3:00 and 13:40 CE(S)T (UTC+1/+2)) The script then uploads the versions to the web site:
Please Note: These builds are not guaranteed to even run; if they do, they can do any kind of damage to your world. Make a backup of your world before trying them, and keep the previous working version. You have been warned.
Also note: if your Windows server crashes, it produces a crash dump file "crash_mcs_<randomletters>.dmp". This file is extremely useful for us, developers, for finding out what went wrong; however, we can only use that file if you downloaded the MCS binary from the address at the top of this message.
To use this build, note that you either need to provide your own "settings.ini" file, or rename the "settings.example.ini" to "settings.ini". This inconvenience is intentional, so that unpacking the whole archive into an existing server directory won't overwrite your existing settings.ini

EDIT: changed the domain name for you nitpickers

EDIT 2: Changed the afternoon time so that it doesn't collide with my backup script firing. Added the settings.ini section.
EDIT 3: http://builds.mc-server.org server has taken over the builds, I will no longer compile my own.