Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
Vanilla cuts ravines off when they get to water. We should probably do the same?
[Image: 9953441ad0.jpg]
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I just realized how much I like the overhangs from the DistortedHeightmap.
[Image: 667b3d0b60.jpg]

@xoft, is there a way to make the BiomalNoise3D generator create more and larger overhangs?
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Vanilla cuts of all structures when they would intersect with water or lava. We might have trouble with that because we generate entire chunks at once, unlike vanilla, which generates raw chunks (without structures) and only generates structures once the neighbors have been generated (so it can check the neighbors for water / lava). That becomes apparent when you inspect world edge in Minutor.

As for the BiomalNoise3D, it should be possible to have more overhangs, just fiddle with the per-biome parameters. For a start, use the Noise3D generator whose parameters are in the world.ini, find the params that work for you well and then put those for the specific biome in the per-biome generator.
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It would be difficult to implement it for structures like villages, but for ravines we could just check if the column (or the highest block of the ravine) contains water, and if not then place the air.
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I think we should make the extreme hills more extreme. Right now they look more like a rough plains biome.
[Image: 65c0c5d444.jpg]

The normal extreme hills should look more like the current extreme hills+, and the extreme hills+ should be, well.. more extreme as well Wink

I just checked vanilla, and they have an even less rough extreme hills biome :|
[Image: 7d1343db04.jpg]
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I just noticed a house directly next to another:
[Image: a6f60a6e5c.jpg]
This isn't intended right? We tried to have at least one block space between the houses.

I believe this is Plains #41

Also noticed this with #47

It could of course be that it can happen with every building.
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The houses collision could be avoided by enlarging the hitbox one block out in all directions except the door.
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I believe we already have that. Perhaps there is a bug in the Cubeset format where it doesn't use the hitbox? Because I think the bug quite new.
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You're right, the cubeset loader checks that the hitbox values are present, loads them but doesn't use them at all. I'll fix that.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
I've also found one house that had its door connector off by one block, thus always generating one block away from the path (WoodenHouse7x5 (Plains 40)). Both are fixed in this PR:
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE

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