New minecraft version. (1.15)
Is it just me, or are the mobs in 1.5 much dumber than in 1.4.6? I updated and now they just stand there, looking at me, doing nothing.
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In vanilla or in MCServer?
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vanilla, of course.
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Well they did something to the AI so it could be
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They're probably observing you and creating a big master plan to eventually brutally kill you Smile
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they are trying to make you stare at them so a creeper can sssssssneak up to you Wink
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new version of minecraft is released. minecraft 1.5.1
no/little protocol changes though
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Do you have any description of the protocol changes? I can't find anything in the protocol wiki. If the protocol number is the same (MC connects to MCS as it is), there's no change required other than noting the compatibility.
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Yeah I'm not sure about any protocol changes - a 1.5 client can connect to a 1.5.1 server just fine.
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first 1.6 snapshot is releasedBig Grin
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