Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Wheeee! Congratulations on that!
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Okay, I admit, I'm stupid enought to make an attempt on making Wiki up to date }:-D
I've fixed groups.ini page, added WebAdmin.ini page, fixed "Minecraft Account Verification" page and "How to install plugins" page.
I haven't checked API pages yet, but I'm about to. Then I'll start to add new pages.

As for Castles plugin: my work is going smooth, but slowly Smile I added all desired commands (with access level differentiation) and had figured out how to do command aliases (useful for shortcuts!)
I think I can make basics this evening.

And what's your plan, xoft?) I would like to know, if you have any...
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I have no specific plans, I just wade through the source and fix things I find interesting Smile
Though I think I'll throw myself into finishing farming ( https://forum.cuberite.org/showthread.ph...92#pid2992 )

Getting the wiki up to date is a commendable effort, and I'm crossing my fingers for you to keep going. Hopefully the wiki will one day be a good enough documentation.
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coolBig Grin can't wait Smile
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Unfortunately, my work on updating wiki seems to face some troubles:
===== Documented Items =====
A list of items that have been documented
Aaaand I have no idea why this page:
Isn't in that list Smile Although it is on Sitemap... weird.
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You need to click on the "Menu" link on the bottom left, the menu is the displayed as a normal wiki page, then you can edit the menu like any other page.
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Menu seems to be something different...
* [[:start|Home]]
  * [[:install|Installing MCServer]]
    * [[:install:plugins]]
    * [[:install:permissions]]
    * [[:verification]]
  * [[:configure|Configuring MCServer]]
    * [[:configure:settings.ini|Settings.ini]]
    * [[:configure:users.ini|Users.ini]]
    * [[:configure:groups.ini|Groups.ini]]
    * [[:configure:world.ini|World.ini]]
    * [[:configure:webadmin.ini|WebAdmin.ini]]
  * [[:compiling|Compiling MCServer]]
  * [[:plugins|Plugins]]
  * [[:api|API]]
    * [[:api:plugin:hooks|Hooks]]
    * [[:api:dataformat|Data Format]]
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Aha, that is a different issue. No idea, then, sorry.
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Well, I'll continue to add/edit classes pages anyway Smile
As for nightbuilds Bindings autoupdate: does it mean that since now EVERY nightbuil will cause Bindings.cpp to have new revision?
Because that's bad news for meBig Grin I'm tracking bindings diffs in order to keep my own "tip"-file (all exported classes with their content nicely formatted) up-to-date, this makes it easier to update wiki... But anyway, I'll handle that somehow Smile (I'll just leave it there: current "target" revision for wiki content is r573)

Okay, today's progress: no plugin work, only wikiBig Grin
Still: cChatColor page done, cEntity up-to-date, hooks up-to-date, hooks and Plugin:blah functions up-to-date. Only classes to go!
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cClientHandle, cCuboid, cGroup and, hell, cIniFile are up-to-date too.
There's still tiny bit of formatting love to do, but I think I'll fill pages with content and then will "polish" Class Definition tables with parameters highlighting.
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