(10-24-2012, 10:55 PM)Sebi Wrote: I tried emptying crafting grid when player is closing inventory but I had hard time with GetSlot( c_CraftOffset + 0..(c_CraftSlots-1) ) returning empty item :c
Doesn't the cWindow / cSlotArea combo solve this? I think it should, but never actually tried. If not, then the fix should be inside cSlotAreaTemporary, since that's the class that is supposed to handle exactly that.
(10-24-2012, 11:16 PM)xoft Wrote: ... cSlotAreaTemporary, since that's the class that is supposed to handle exactly that.
Note, the class itself cannot toss items, only its descendants. Otherwise the class would first toss the crafting result (without consuming the ingredients).
There is code inside cSlotAreaCraftingGrid that should toss all items on the crafting grid when the player closes the window. Doesn't it work?