Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Linear interpaherpderp?

24 person-years of effort on Ohloh is still too much xD
If a person would work 40 hours a week I would guesstimate MCServer to contain 1~2 years of effort though I suppose it depends on the average coding speed of the average coder which could very likely be much lower than ours...
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it's not only about coding, it's about bugfixing, documenting, maintaining... Imagine MCServer came in a nice box that you could buy, and all the quality that you'd expect from such a piece; that's what the estimate is about. Right now MCS is held together more or less by stitchesTongue It would have to be much more hardened to be a release-grade piece of software.
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I'm having a bad bad day...
Why does my linear interpolation *not* tile seamlessly? You can clearly see the 4 vertical columns (the horizontal ones are supposed to be there):
[Image: lerp_columns.png]
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We are under spamttack! Sad
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yes I can see Wink we need an extra mod to take care of the spammers.
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afaik only FakeTruth can ban people. And it won't make much difference - they'll just register another username. Wasn't there a captcha against automated attacks like these?
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wasn't it disabled becouse it wasn't working properly?
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Fucking spammers.
Xoft, can you fix the error? any new?
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Only FakeTruth can do something(and Duralex).
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I can't do anything with the forum, I'm just a regular user, same as anyone else.

Please watch your language, we don't want unsafe content here Wink
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