MCServer has nothing to do with this, it's Mojang's servers being nonresponsive.
I'm fixing the TNTs now and just for fun tried to explode some 3000 TNTs. The server didn't even wink, but the client almost died
I'd say we'll need some form of an explosion effect limiter - if there are too many explosion particles being sent to a client, it would silently drop them.
A crude explosion-packet limiter is finished. I'd say it's effective enough, no need to work on anything more advanced. We're successfully masquerading as higher performance thanks to this
I'm fixing the TNTs now and just for fun tried to explode some 3000 TNTs. The server didn't even wink, but the client almost died
I'd say we'll need some form of an explosion effect limiter - if there are too many explosion particles being sent to a client, it would silently drop them.
A crude explosion-packet limiter is finished. I'd say it's effective enough, no need to work on anything more advanced. We're successfully masquerading as higher performance thanks to this