(06-25-2013, 01:14 AM)tonibm19 Wrote: When trying to craft Activator Rail, you don't get anything.
Make sure that there's no error in the log in the first place. I suspect the Activator Rail is an unknown item type; that should be reported upon server start, when it loads the crafting recipes. If it's missing, you need to add it to MCServer/items.ini.
I'm not yet decided on how to handle saving correctly. We need to do something about it, because right now if you travel too much, the server will consume LOTS of memory, because the chunks won't save and so won't unload. But on the other hand, if you have an SSD storage, you want to keep as many chunks in the RAM as possible, because each write degrades the SSD internally; SSDs can only do a few thousand overwrites of each memory cell at most. We need to balance that out somehow.
(06-23-2013, 11:23 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: Like this?
Almost. Just add a comment and it's alright: