(10-23-2012, 05:13 AM)funmaker Wrote: bool g_BlockIsSolid[256];
Sounds reasonable.
(10-23-2012, 05:13 AM)funmaker Wrote: bool cBlockHandle::CanBePlacedOnNonSolid();
Isn't this a bit useless? Once you have that array, the blocks that cannot be placed on non-solids will check against it. I don't think there's so many of those that it would need a special function.
Quote:Funcion cChunk::GetBlock(int,int,int) uses cliping on arguments.
M'kay, but only after going through the list of blocks queued for changing and finding the correct chunk. So you're wasting two critical section locks and a chunk lookup. Sure, it isn't much, but we can't afford wasting even this much if we want to be high-performance