MC-Server on Raspberry Pi
Can i compile woth msvc on debian too?
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No, MSVC is windows-only.

Please try compiling rev 701, I have tried to fix all gcc-related errors, it compiles fine on my virtual ubuntu now.
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Okey i try it again Smile

Thanks for your help!
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So, how did it go? Did it compile? Did it run? Is it still slow? I'd like to hear Smile
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Yes, i donwloaded the r707 and compiled it, it took hoursBig Grin
Bad question but where is my Programm now? And how can i run it?
Does it use also a little bit java or is it completle made in c++

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Wow I had no idea compilation would take so long Wink

Your program should be in the same folder where you ran the "make" command and it should be called MCServer (note the lack of any extension). You should be able to run it using a "./MCServer" command.

No, it doesn't use java at all. It's mostly C++ with a few bits (plugins) written in Lua.
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Ah ok, o knew that its a thing called mcserver but i thought its a folder how other server Smile

And with which programm you make mcserver? Visual studio 2010?
I am using visual studio express basic Smile i like basic, i made a webbrowser with itBig Grin

But back to the topic, i will start it now Smile

It is running,
4chunks/sBig Grin
Server is running, but i cant test, im on my tablet.
Tomorrow i will try it. And the 9x9x9 tnt testTongue
And tomorrow my computer is here:
I7 3770k
16gb ram
120gb ssd
2tb hdd
And and andBig Grin

And you order a raspberry pi too?


I restarted and it took only 5 seconds, but i have only a settings.ini with port:25565, nothing else. Is that right?
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With a restart, the chunks are already generated (inside the world folder) so it takes much less time. But the generator speed is terrible.
I just got my RasPi, and I found out that compiling in debug (using "make" command) gives about 3-4 chunks per second generator performance, and compiling in release (using "make release=1" command) makes the server crash upon startup for unknown reasons. Probably some gcc optimization that doesn't work on the Pi. I brought the entire thing to work with me so that my colleagues can play with it, they might give me some help with this as they're more Linux-educated than me. I really hope to see the release build running, it should have a decent speed increase over debug (on Win, the difference is about 8-fold)
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I got it up and running (r709, release build using "make -f GNUmakefile release=1") and the following output from starting the server with an empty world folder (world generaiton needed):

[11:31:56] --- Started Log ---
[11:31:56] Error (2) opening directory "world/player/"

[11:31:56] Creating new server instance...
[11:31:56] cSocketThreads startup
[11:31:56] Starting server...
|   Custom Minecraft Server  |
|  Created by Kevin Bansberg |
|       A.K.A. FakeTruth     |
| Monsters by Alex Sonek     |
|       A.K.A. Duralex       |
| Stuff by Mattes D          |
|       A.K.A. _Xoft(o)      |

[11:31:56] Starting up server.
[11:31:56] Compatible clients: 1.2.4, 1.2.5, protocol version 29
[11:31:56] Port 25565 has been bound, server is open for connections
[11:31:56] Creating WebAdmin...
[11:31:56] Starting WebAdmin on port 8080
[11:31:56] Loading settings...
[11:31:56] -- Loading Groups --
[11:31:56] Loading group: Admins
[11:31:56] Permission: *
[11:31:56] Loading group: Mods
[11:31:56] Permission: core.time
[11:31:56] Permission: core.item
[11:31:56] Loading group: Vips
[11:31:56] Permission: core.teleport
[11:31:56] Loading group: Default
[11:31:56] Permission:
[11:31:56] Permission:
[11:31:56] Permission: core.playerlist
[11:31:56] Permission: core.pluginlist
[11:31:56] Permission: core.spawn
[11:31:56] -- Done Loading Groups --
[11:31:56] -- Loading crafting recipes from crafting.txt --
[11:31:58] -- 189 crafting recipes loaded from crafting.txt --
[11:31:58] -- Loading furnace recipes --
[11:31:58] Got 9 furnace recipes, and 11 fuels.
[11:31:58] -- Done loading furnace recipes --
[11:31:58] Loading worlds...
[11:31:58] cWorld::cWorld(world)
[11:31:58] [Generator]::BiomeGen value not found in world.ini, using "DistortedVoronoi".
[11:31:58] Using a cache for biomegen of size 64.
[11:31:58] [Generator]::HeightGen value not found in world.ini, using "Biomal".
[11:31:58] Using a cache for Heightgen of size 64.
[11:31:58] [Generator]::CompositionGen value not found in world.ini, using "Biomal".
[11:31:58] Loading plugin manager...
[11:31:58] Loading plugins
[11:31:58] Binding /mc (magiccarpet)
[11:31:58] Initialized MagicCarpet v.1
[11:31:58] Initialized ChatLog v.2
[11:31:58] Binding /help (
[11:31:58] Binding /pluginlist (core.pluginlist)
[11:31:58] Binding /tp (core.teleport)
[11:31:58] Binding /item (core.item)
[11:31:58] Binding /i (core.item)
[11:31:58] Binding /list (core.playerlist)
[11:31:58] Binding /who (core.playerlist)
[11:31:58] Binding /playerlist (core.playerlist)
[11:31:58] Binding /motd (core.motd)
[11:31:58] Binding /reload (core.reload)
[11:31:58] Binding /time (core.time)
[11:31:58] Binding /spawn (core.spawn)
[11:31:58] Binding /home (core.spawn)
[11:31:58] Binding /kick (core.kick)
[11:31:58] Binding /ban (core.ban)
[11:31:58] Binding /unban (core.unban)
[11:31:58] Binding /top (
[11:31:58] Binding /gm (core.changegm)
[11:31:58] Binding /gotoworld (core.gotoworld)
[11:31:58] Binding /coords (core.coords)
[11:31:58] Binding /viewdistance (core.viewdistance)
[11:31:58] Binding /regeneratechunk (core.regeneratechunk)
[11:31:59] Core: loaded 466 item names.
[11:31:59] Core: loaded 2 whitelisted players.
[11:31:59] cWebPlugin::cWebPlugin()
[11:31:59] Initialized Core v.8
[11:31:59] Loaded 3 plugin(s)
[11:31:59] Loading MonsterConfig...
[11:32:00] Starting Authenticator...
[11:32:00] Starting worlds...
[11:32:00] Preparing spawn area in world "world"...
[11:32:00] 25 chunks to load, 374 chunks to generate
[11:32:02] 0 chunks to load, 389 chunks to generate
[11:32:03] Chunk generator performance: 5.25 ch/s (17 ch total)
[11:32:04] 0 chunks to load, 380 chunks to generate
[11:32:05] Chunk generator performance: 5.26 ch/s (28 ch total)
[11:32:06] 0 chunks to load, 370 chunks to generate
[11:32:08] Chunk generator performance: 5.35 ch/s (40 ch total)
[11:32:08] 0 chunks to load, 359 chunks to generate
[11:32:10] 0 chunks to load, 350 chunks to generate
[11:32:10] Chunk generator performance: 5.32 ch/s (51 ch total)
[11:32:12] 0 chunks to load, 339 chunks to generate
[11:32:12] Chunk generator performance: 5.31 ch/s (62 ch total)
[11:32:14] 0 chunks to load, 330 chunks to generate
[11:32:15] Chunk generator performance: 5.35 ch/s (74 ch total)
[11:32:16] 0 chunks to load, 319 chunks to generate
[11:32:17] Chunk generator performance: 5.32 ch/s (85 ch total)
[11:32:18] 0 chunks to load, 311 chunks to generate
[11:32:20] Chunk generator performance: 5.37 ch/s (97 ch total)
[11:32:20] 0 chunks to load, 301 chunks to generate
[11:32:22] Chunk generator performance: 5.32 ch/s (107 ch total)
[11:32:22] 0 chunks to load, 292 chunks to generate
[11:32:24] 0 chunks to load, 281 chunks to generate
[11:32:24] Chunk generator performance: 5.37 ch/s (119 ch total)
[11:32:26] 0 chunks to load, 272 chunks to generate
[11:32:26] Chunk generator performance: 5.32 ch/s (129 ch total)
[11:32:28] 0 chunks to load, 261 chunks to generate
[11:32:29] Chunk generator performance: 5.35 ch/s (141 ch total)
[11:32:30] 0 chunks to load, 252 chunks to generate
[11:32:31] Chunk generator performance: 5.34 ch/s (152 ch total)
[11:32:32] 0 chunks to load, 242 chunks to generate
[11:32:34] Chunk generator performance: 5.34 ch/s (163 ch total)
[11:32:34] 0 chunks to load, 233 chunks to generate
[11:32:36] Chunk generator performance: 5.32 ch/s (174 ch total)
[11:32:36] 0 chunks to load, 223 chunks to generate
[11:32:38] Chunk generator performance: 5.31 ch/s (185 ch total)
[11:32:38] 0 chunks to load, 214 chunks to generate
[11:32:40] 0 chunks to load, 205 chunks to generate
[11:32:41] Chunk generator performance: 5.30 ch/s (196 ch total)
[11:32:42] 0 chunks to load, 195 chunks to generate
[11:32:43] Chunk generator performance: 5.28 ch/s (207 ch total)
[11:32:44] 0 chunks to load, 186 chunks to generate
[11:32:45] Chunk generator performance: 5.29 ch/s (218 ch total)
[11:32:46] 0 chunks to load, 177 chunks to generate
[11:32:48] Chunk generator performance: 5.26 ch/s (228 ch total)
[11:32:48] 0 chunks to load, 168 chunks to generate
[11:32:50] Chunk generator performance: 5.26 ch/s (239 ch total)
[11:32:50] 0 chunks to load, 158 chunks to generate
[11:32:52] Chunk generator performance: 5.24 ch/s (249 ch total)
[11:32:52] 0 chunks to load, 149 chunks to generate
[11:32:54] Chunk generator performance: 5.25 ch/s (260 ch total)
[11:32:54] 0 chunks to load, 139 chunks to generate
[11:32:56] Chunk generator performance: 5.24 ch/s (270 ch total)
[11:32:57] 0 chunks to load, 129 chunks to generate
[11:32:59] 0 chunks to load, 120 chunks to generate
[11:32:59] Chunk generator performance: 5.25 ch/s (282 ch total)
[11:33:01] 0 chunks to load, 110 chunks to generate
[11:33:01] Chunk generator performance: 5.25 ch/s (293 ch total)
[11:33:03] 0 chunks to load, 100 chunks to generate
[11:33:04] Chunk generator performance: 5.26 ch/s (305 ch total)
[11:33:05] 0 chunks to load, 90 chunks to generate
[11:33:06] Chunk generator performance: 5.27 ch/s (316 ch total)
[11:33:07] 0 chunks to load, 80 chunks to generate
[11:33:08] Chunk generator performance: 5.27 ch/s (327 ch total)
[11:33:09] 0 chunks to load, 70 chunks to generate
[11:33:10] Chunk generator performance: 5.27 ch/s (338 ch total)
[11:33:11] 0 chunks to load, 60 chunks to generate
[11:33:13] 0 chunks to load, 51 chunks to generate
[11:33:13] Chunk generator performance: 5.27 ch/s (349 ch total)
[11:33:15] 0 chunks to load, 41 chunks to generate
[11:33:15] Chunk generator performance: 5.27 ch/s (360 ch total)
[11:33:17] 0 chunks to load, 31 chunks to generate
[11:33:17] Chunk generator performance: 5.27 ch/s (371 ch total)
[11:33:19] 0 chunks to load, 21 chunks to generate
[11:33:20] Chunk generator performance: 5.27 ch/s (382 ch total)
[11:33:21] 0 chunks to load, 11 chunks to generate
[11:33:22] Chunk generator performance: 5.27 ch/s (393 ch total)
[11:33:23] 0 chunks to load, 2 chunks to generate
[11:33:23] Lighting spawn area in world "world"...
[11:33:23] 399 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:24] Chunk generator performance: 5.23 ch/s (401 ch total)
[11:33:25] 388 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:27] Chunk generator performance: 5.17 ch/s (408 ch total)
[11:33:27] 378 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:29] Chunk generator performance: 5.10 ch/s (414 ch total)
[11:33:29] 367 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:31] 357 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:32] Chunk generator performance: 5.04 ch/s (421 ch total)
[11:33:33] 347 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:35] Chunk generator performance: 4.97 ch/s (427 ch total)
[11:33:35] 336 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:37] Chunk generator performance: 4.91 ch/s (433 ch total)
[11:33:37] 326 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:39] 316 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:39] Chunk generator performance: 4.86 ch/s (439 ch total)
[11:33:41] 305 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:42] Chunk generator performance: 4.81 ch/s (445 ch total)
[11:33:43] 295 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:44] Chunk generator performance: 4.76 ch/s (451 ch total)
[11:33:45] 285 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:46] Chunk generator performance: 4.72 ch/s (457 ch total)
[11:33:48] 275 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:49] Chunk generator performance: 4.68 ch/s (463 ch total)
[11:33:50] 264 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:51] Chunk generator performance: 4.65 ch/s (470 ch total)
[11:33:52] 254 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:54] 245 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:54] Chunk generator performance: 4.60 ch/s (476 ch total)
[11:33:56] 235 chunks remaining to light
[11:33:56] Chunk generator performance: 4.56 ch/s (482 ch total)
[11:33:58] 221 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:00] 199 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:02] 176 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:04] 153 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:06] 130 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:08] 108 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:10] 89 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:12] 69 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:14] 50 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:16] 29 chunks remaining to light
[11:34:18] 6 chunks remaining to light

To compile the release i altered the GNUmakefile starting at line 27. I don't know if this is necessary, but i just wanted to make sure that the code is optimized for the RasPi.
ifeq ($(release),1)
CC_OPTIONS = -s -O3 -pipe -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard
CCE_OPTIONS = -s -x c -O3 -pipe -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard

You mentioned to tweak the world.ini... what can be done there to speed things up? Havent played with multiple clients yet, just had time to try this out yesterday evening. But looks promising. CPU load goes up to 95% when generating stuff, ist absolutely playable solo!
GREAT WORK MC-Server team!!!

oh, and btw: i did post a summary of my minecraft server experience on the RasPi on their official forum.. hopefully attracting more interest here:

My RasPi-Specs are: Raspbian Wheezy (current official images) '/boot/config.txt'-settings: 800MHz, 224MB RAM
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To speed the generation up change in the world.ini marblecaves to wormnestcaves
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