Bearbin's Automated Builds
Nah, Raspberry Pis don't need any cooling. You couldn't do anything anyway, the RAM is mounted on top of the SoC with insulation between. If you look at the build time you also see it's less than an hour because GCC only compiles the changed files and then links the resultant object files together.
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Still, my RasPi gets incredibly hot, so I mounted a few heatsinks, just in caseTongue

When one of the core files get changed, such as the BlockID.h or Item.h, most of the codebase is recompiled. That takes the hour. True that it doesn't happen too often, but still...
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Maybe I'll run a temperature sensor that logs the temp every few seconds and then I can graph it to see if tem is a problem. (That's if the RPi has a sensor).

Extra: I just updated the SSH slaves plugin; so hopefully the Pi will freeze slightly less often.
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The Raspberry pi is fixed! A plugin update derped and it took a while to fix it.
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The buildserver now provides MD5sum files, which should be useful for tiger's autoupdate script.
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Our space just got doubled, the service should remain operational for quite a while longer. Also updating to the new git builds as we speak.
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The RasPi has a sensor built into the CPU, I once found the exact linux command to execute to find out the value, alas, I don't remember it anymore.
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(07-28-2013, 05:10 AM)xoft Wrote: The RasPi has a sensor built into the CPU, I once found the exact linux command to execute to find out the value, alas, I don't remember it anymore.

to get the tempeture its: vcgencmd measure_temp

if you want farenheight its:

tm=`/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp`
tc=`echo $tm| cut -d '=' -f2 | sed 's/..$//'`
tf=$(echo "scale=2;((9/5) * $tc) + 32" |bc)
echo $tf\°F

put that into a .sh file and then execute itTongue
Thanks given by: bearbin
What if I want celcius? Just omit the tf line? Thanks, BTW
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(07-28-2013, 06:02 AM)bearbin Wrote: What if I want celcius? Just omit the tf line? Thanks, BTW

If you want celsius then execute vcgencmd measure_temp command on the command line.
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