How to use:
Horrible portal creation process, but nice-and-easy portals usage;
Fail-safe (or should be, at least...) - it will log in case you'll disable/delete world with portals in it;
Readable data storage (data's saved in *.dat files).
WebAdmin features, like web warp creation, based on current players coords, warps and enters deletion (currently it's only possible through .dat modification ), warps and enters renaming.
That's it.
- Put .zip inside your "Plugins" folder;
- "Extract here";
- Go to your settings.ini OR use web control panel, and add "Portal";
- You must have "portal.create" permission
- To create portal exit, stand where you need it and type "/pwarp [name]"
- To create portal entrance, select a region with wooder sword. One leftclick and one rightclick. Then type "/penter [name]". If warp and enter have same name, they will be linked (you'll get a message).
- To switch off region selection mode, type "/ptoggle" (it's on by default for those who have "portal.create" permission)
- To use portal, stand still in entrance zone for 2 seconds (currently adjustable via plugin modification, PORTAL_ACTIVATION_TIME variable in portal_main.lua)
- ...
Horrible portal creation process, but nice-and-easy portals usage;
Fail-safe (or should be, at least...) - it will log in case you'll disable/delete world with portals in it;
Readable data storage (data's saved in *.dat files).
WebAdmin features, like web warp creation, based on current players coords, warps and enters deletion (currently it's only possible through .dat modification ), warps and enters renaming.
That's it.