Floody water
Actually flooded grass turns into dirt slowly. We might want to tweak that in the dirt blockhandler.
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no it was when yellow flowers or roses or muchrooms were broken by water, there would be a dirt block dropped.
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Hmm, I had no idea fluid simulators were so difficult to implement. It's tweaking over tweaking over tweaking. I think I managed to get water+lava reactions right. But somehow I keep getting water source blocks where they weren't, although there's no source block creation inside the code. And sometimes the simulated water is just flaky when placing and removing blocks next to it. Weird.
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(10-15-2012, 04:34 AM)xoft Wrote: Rev 964 implements proper drying up, too. But I've run into issues that I'm not yet sure how to solve: multithreading concurrency.
The simulators, blockhandlers and all stuff expects that the world doesn't change while they're executing. Unfortunately it seems the world is changing. If you try to place blocks in water's path, sooner or later you're gonna fool the simulator and it will start glitching.

So why not simulate the world and entities in a single thread?
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I have just been playing with it,
And it seems its still creating spawn blocks for the water ?

Also try placing it on snow.. its kinda weird..
And sometimes it only flows mostly one way down the hill and other side it just stops ?

Btw totaly offtopic..
But i was flooding a big jungle..
And it looked like it was ice.
Wouldnt a ice cavern in the snow biodone be really nice?
You get the feeling when you fly tru this stuff: http://i.imgur.com/o4dPQ.jpg
Don't even ask me how long it took to do this.. i was bored..
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Duh, stupid me. I had the DelayedFluidSimulator wrong - it was adding blocks to the same queue as it was simulating. Also didn't see the SimulationManager's Rate. It seems most of the glitches have disappeared now; I'll test it more in the evening and commit then.
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It's better, so I committed as rev 966. But still not perfect, it seems that falling water doesn't get dried up properly and instead turns into source blocksTongue
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with the latest revision (R968) i get allot of messages in console. i think its for debug but i compiled it in release mode.
i get this kind of messages:
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-346, 67, -122}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-345, 67, -113}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-345, 67, -123}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-344, 67, -112}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-344, 67, -124}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-336, 67, -118}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-337, 67, -119}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-337, 67, -117}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-338, 67, -116}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-338, 67, -120}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-339, 67, -115}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-339, 67, -121}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-340, 67, -114}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-340, 67, -122}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-341, 67, -113}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-341, 67, -123}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-342, 67, -112}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-342, 67, -124}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-343, 67, -125}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
[20:26:00] Simulating block {-343, 67, -111}
[20:26:00]   Not my type: exp 8, got 0
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Sorry about that, forgot a letter in the logging function name Wink
Should be fixed in rev 969.
I think that with rev 970 I've ironed out all the wrinkles in the Floody simulator, go ahead and test it out. It should behave correctly now.
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R971 don't forget snow blocks and long grass.
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