Area Plugin v3
Release of Area Plugin v3

Note: MCServer >= r173 is needed!

  • Create rectangular areas from within MC
  • Welcome message displayed to player for each area
  • Areas are lockable to prevent any changes
  • Areas are groupable to create complex area groups (use /area add)
  • Plugin now needs permission 'AreaAdmin' for commands except /area help and /area status
  • Owners of Areas may be set
usage: /area [options]
  status - status information
  on     - enables Area Plugin
  off    - disables Area Plugin
  save   - saves selected area to new group
  add    - adds selected area to current group
  lock   - locks current area group
  unlock - unlcoks current area group
  setmsg "msg" - sets welcome message of current area group
  setowner [areaid] [playername] - adds player to Owners of given area group
  delowner [areaid] [playername] - removes player from Owners of given area group

To create a new area:
  • 1. enable plugin with /area on
    2. right click with empty hand on a block (selects point)
    3. select at least 2 points (rectangular area)
    4. use /area save to save this area
    5. disable plugin with /area off
To add an area to existing group:
  • 1. to 3. as above
    4. move into existing area you want to add new area
    5. use /area add to add to this area
    6. disable plugin with /area off

The area data is stored in area.ini file and can be directly edited when server is down (because plugin rewrites file on shutdown)!!

The message prefix of this plugin can be customized by changing following at top of plugin:
local PLUGIN_MSG_PREFIX = cChatColor.Purple .. "* "

The player needs the permission 'AreaAdmin' to use main commands (see user.ini & groups.ini of your MCServer installation)!

Plugin attached.


Attached Files
.zip (Size: 4.23 KB / Downloads: 673)
Thanks given by:
Could you add 'owners' to areas that are allowed to modify them? That way it can be a suitable replacement for the hMod Cuboid plugin!Big Grin
Thanks given by:
(02-23-2011, 12:59 PM)FakeTruth Wrote: Could you add 'owners' to areas that are allowed to modify them? That way it can be a suitable replacement for the hMod Cuboid plugin!Big Grin
Yeah, I already thought about that to implement next.

Thanks given by:
I'm having a bit of trouble with this...the plugin itself appears to load and work fine, but I get the following line dumped to my log files several times every second. Needless to say this fills them up very quickly and makes it rather impractical to use:

Stack: -- Plugins/Area.lua:282: attempt to index upvalue 'IniFile' (a nil value)

Any idea how to fix this?
Thanks given by:
(02-26-2011, 04:21 PM)stiltzkin Wrote: I'm having a bit of trouble with this...the plugin itself appears to load and work fine, but I get the following line dumped to my log files several times every second. Needless to say this fills them up very quickly and makes it rather impractical to use:

Stack: -- Plugins/Area.lua:282: attempt to index upvalue 'IniFile' (a nil value)

Any idea how to fix this?
I really have no idea. Looks like a lua stack dump.
You could try following:
  • Load only Area Plugin
  • What MCServer version are you running
  • post full log file

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I just found out that the hook OnBlockDig is broken! Angry

Perhaps this is r173 or new client issue. So actually it is not possible to prevent
digging a block with Area Plugin.

For the other issue. I reworked my plugin for not using globals anymore (except 1).
Will be released when OnBlockDig workaround is available.

Thanks given by:
Released Area Plugin v3
  • new feature "Owners" available
  • reworked source to use only plugin locals (no conflict with existing other plugins)
  • help command reworked
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Didn't get any error messages from that one Smile
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Nice! Congratulations on the new version, I think people will find this very usefulBig Grin
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I sure find it useful. Thanks tybor.
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