AFK (Abandoned)
This project is abandoned!
is a plugins that sets your status to afk.

  • /afk
  • sets your status to afk
    /afk (player)
  • allows you to see how long someone is afk

  • Afk.use
  • the player who has this permission is able to change to afk status

  • AutoAfk = true
  • if AutoAfk = true a player wil be set to afk status if he hasn't moved for a certain amout of time. only works with players who have the Afk.use permission

    AutoKick = true
  • if AutoKick is true a player will be kicked by a certain amout of time

    TimeUntilAfk = 300
  • the time a player must not move in order to automaticly change status to afk. Time is in seconds

    TimeUntilKick = 600
  • the time a player must not move in order to be kicked from the server. Time is in seconds
Other Features
Detects if
  • Player moves. if he moves while he is afk his status changes back to normal. BUT if he doesn't move for a while his status changes to afk.
  • Player Digs. if he digs while he is afk his status changes back to normal.
  • Player Places blocks. if he place blocks while he is afk his status changes back to normal.
  • Player drops items. if he drops items while he is afk his status changes back to normal.

  • A Client-side player stays if someone turned to afk status.
  • if a player is afk while the server reloads, the player's name will be [AFK] Player

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 1.39 KB / Downloads: 563)
Thanks given by: xoft , bearbin , Antonio , proniss
This looks nice.

Now I'm just wondering, who'd start minecraft and walk away from the computer? Smile
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Perhaps if you played minecraft for about one hour and you are hungry so you have to eat Smile
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Also, can you add a feature to kick somebody if they are afk too long? Also, a lookup command maybe? Or maybe if you mention their name it sends you a message warning you the player is afk.
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i now added a kick feature. Default is 10 minutes. you can also enable/disable it.
you can now also use /afk (player) to see how long somebody is afk.
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So the time units are in seconds? Maybe worth mentioning Wink
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yes they are in seconds. thanks for pointing that out Smile
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Great new features!
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Quote:A Client-side player stays if someone turned to afk status.

i think this is a bug in the API but i'm not sure. i use Player:SetName( "[Afk] " .. Player:GetName() ) to make people afk and Player:SetName( Name[Player:GetName()] )( <-- variable) to make people return normal.
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(02-21-2013, 03:47 AM)STR_Warrior Wrote:
Quote:A Client-side player stays if someone turned to afk status.

i think this is a bug in the API but i'm not sure. i use Player:SetName( "[Afk] " .. Player:GetName() ) to make people afk and Player:SetName( Name[Player:GetName()] )( <-- variable) to make people return normal.

Im pretty sure its a problem with the server yeah.
As i used it for my auth plugin.
When i did setname from guest to normal name.
The Guest name would remain although if im right the char/sprite itself did disapear.
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