03-22-2011, 05:14 AM
This is a game a friend of mine made on another forum I used to visit a lot - just thought I'd post it here to make sure the community doesn't die out while Faketruth and Duralex are busy with school and stuff 
Make words with the last two letters of the last word. Example:
Car -> Area
Try and make sure there can be a follow on from your word, but if it happens that there is no other word that can be formed, post a new one.
Instructions/Guidelines for the game
1) Try to use a word where you have a word that can follow already in mind, but try to make it tricky.
4) Try not to repeat words that have already been used.
5) The idea is to use your brain, not be good at using google
I'll start:

Make words with the last two letters of the last word. Example:
Car -> Area
Try and make sure there can be a follow on from your word, but if it happens that there is no other word that can be formed, post a new one.
Instructions/Guidelines for the game
1) Try to use a word where you have a word that can follow already in mind, but try to make it tricky.
4) Try not to repeat words that have already been used.
5) The idea is to use your brain, not be good at using google

I'll start: