Move to GitHub
I also wanted to contribute, to Core, and Github makes it easier with pull requests.
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Well FakeTruth said to just PM him if you want acces to the source. Then you could just commit things directly.
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Well I just want acces to Core because I don't know C++ programming.
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I'll add you to the core toni Smile
Thanks given by: tonibm19
(07-28-2013, 06:48 PM)tonibm19 Wrote: Well I just want acces to Core because I don't know C++ programming.

You could just edit the core with SVN acces. If you have SVN acces you don't have to do C++ programming.
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So now that the Core is split away from the Server, how do I get its newest version into my working copy?
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Here are the instructions:

If you have never pulled in core before, you need to set it up:

    git remote add mcscore

To pull in the latest version of core, first make sure you're on the master branch:

    git checkout master

Then fetch the core remote:

    git fetch mcscore

Then merge your master with the core remote, using the subtree strategy.

    git merge --squash -s subtree --no-commit mcscore/master

Now all you need to do it commit your changes with an appropriate message and push it back to the repo.

    git commit
    git push

If you want the latest version in your feature branch, just check out into your feature branch and merge in master.
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Does that work even when I'm inside the MCServer.git repo? Do I need to execute that in a specific subfolder of the MCServer repo?

Also, can't git be configured to automatically update the Core plugin in MCServer repo to the latest version from the remote repo?
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You just need to be in the root folder. I think I could set it up to automatically update core if you want me to. Do you want that?
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I have added a Gravatar for the mc-server organization, it was easier for me to do since I have a domain catchall address on my domain. I used for the registration and mcserverdevs for the / account name. Feel free to PM me for login details if you wish to make changes (I won't post it publicly here because the forum is public)

(07-28-2013, 09:19 PM)bearbin Wrote: I think I could set it up to automatically update core if you want me to.

Please do. It'll make everyone's life easier, I suppose.
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