Move to GitHub
Seems good for the gravatar Smile
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Now for the wiki: should we move it or keep it as-is? I'd like to explore the options. I once had an idea that the API documentation part of the wiki could be automatically generated from the sources (doxygen-style), but that would require some kind of programmatic access to the wiki data. Also, is it possible to dump the wiki data somehow, so that it can be read offline, or restored at a different location / whatever?
If we decide not to move at this moment, we should probably remove the wiki option from the github settings
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I don't think moving would be that great. The wiki syntax support on GitHub is so much nicer but the organization features are non-existant.

We should probably have the doxygen stuff somewhere, maybe not on the wiki but on a seperate site? That should be quite easy to do with a shell script.
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How do I view a diff of my changes before I commit them? GitHub for Windows looks pretty cool but it does not show diffs when there are lots of changes.
[Image: zjgpee.jpg]
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Sorry, I use other tools, so can't really help you here.

I use msysgit (the official "git for windows" commandline client), it comes with a "git gui" utility which is a somewhat retarded UI that simplifies the basic everyday tasks; it shows the diffs for files being committed.

I also have TortoiseGit, but I use it only for merging conflicts.

Ad wiki: there seems to be no more supporters of wiki move, so I'd say it's safe to remove it. Bearbin, will you do the honors? Smile
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Ok, will do Smile
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(07-28-2013, 06:54 PM)bearbin Wrote: I'll add you to the core toni Smile
Ok, but Github tells me that I have no write acces to Core.
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Strange. I'll look at it again to make sure.

Fixed. For some reason adding you hadn't saved.
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i'm back! I was out of the country for a while. I see we moved to GIT. Interesting, my account in github is keyboard2000
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You're now added as an owner.
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