Writing a User Manual
Each page could not contain it's own title tag because one document could not contain more than one. You would just have to get it from the filename or something.
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I was thinking that the entire "book" would be split into chapters, each chapter in a separate HTML file. Each HTML file would be a well-formatted full-fledged HTML, with the header and everything. Then there could be an optional external tool that would take these files, generate a TOC HTML file for them, and optionally one huge HTML file with the contents of each file's body.

Am I overcomplicating things?
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The only problem is that if you want to change the header, you have to go and change 20+ files to change the header. And if you're changing the header 10 times a day, that's going to get annoying.
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A templating system would fix that. If we use github pages jekyll is the obvious choice.
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We would not be using GitHub Pages.
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And why not?
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What I really should have said is that I don't think jekyll is a good idea - especially if we want to generate one megafile with all the sections in it.
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Jekyll can handle that, just have a file that includes all the sections. If you don't want to use jekyll can I recommend Template Toolkit Available in perl and python versions; or handlebars.
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I've used basic python templates before and they worked perfectly fine. I'll see about getting a basic generator up in Lua or python, it shouldn't take too long.
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I've tried writing a template engine before. It is seriously worth using the existing template engine as they provide loads of extra features.
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