[DONE] Groups and permissions refactor
<- worktycho responded to your post.

I got another idea for the permission group system. What about a permission blacklist? The server first checks if the permission is in that list and if it is then cPlayer:HasPermission returns false. If it isn't in the blacklist then it continues doing what it was doing before.
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Well for example you want a group that has all the WorldEdit permissions but you don't them to be able to load craftscripts. You simply put "worldedit.*" in the normal permissions and then put "worldedit.scripting.execute" in the blacklist.
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That actually makes sense and a pretty good use-case. The blacklist would work as a pre-filter, having higher priority than the whitelist.
Will the BFUA (BFU-Admins Smile) be smart enough to understand such a system?
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We could try implementing a small tutorial button in the webadmin page Wink
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(08-13-2014, 09:18 PM)xoft Wrote: That actually makes sense and a pretty good use-case. The blacklist would work as a pre-filter, having higher priority than the whitelist.
Will the BFUA (BFU-Admins Smile) be smart enough to understand such a system?
Everyone that comes from Bukkit or Spigot and is using there Permissions System or a Bukkit/Spigot plugin like "GroupManager" or "PEX" will understand, how to use a white and blacklist in MCServer.
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Very well then, I shall implement that.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
I decided not to implement it just yet, I first want to get the UUID system all sorted out so that it works, and only then add new features. I put this idea into the issue tracker, so that it isn't lost:
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I've just found out quite a huge problem with the ranks handling - there is a possibility for a mismatch for player UUIDs when the server is offline - some methods use the player's UUID, which is the offline one, others don't have access to the UUID (because they don't have the cPlayer object available) so they use the cMojangAPI class to look up the UUID, and they work with the online UUIDs. I'll need to fix this somehow, probably mostly in the Core.
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[Image: houston-we-have-a-problem.jpg]
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