MCServer private dev survival server?
Yes, I haven't set up the nether on this server.

Could you send the link for the howto thread for the nether?
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@bearbin, is this a pure Cuberite server, or is there a list of non-Core plugins that are/will be used?
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This is pure cuberite at the moment, and there's no plan to change it.
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@bearbin maybe the FAQ could help you with that.

Though I don't understand something about the portal linking myself. There is a NetherWorldName and an OverworldName variable in the [LinkedWorlds] section. I assume both are used with a nether portal, but when is what used?
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I would leave it by default.
It seems to work fine and it probably only uses CreateAndInizializeWorld the first time.
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No, I believe tigerw made it call CreateAndInitializeWorld when it was needed aka when an entity tries to pass through a portal.
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@bearbin, on your server I am having a weird issue where if I craft a single chest, place it and open it, I get another chest. Are you running the current version? If so, I guess I need to make a bug report.
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The believe internal CreateAndInitializeWorld usage will cause blocking of the tick thread presently, so that's the main problem with it.

NetherWorldName is used by the Overworld to know which nether file to link to when travelling through a portal.
OverworldName is used by the Nether to know which overworld to link to when going back.

Suggestion is to temporarily disable the deadlock detector and go through a portal to let the nether generate. Everything then should work from there.
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Can't we have a "NetherPortalWorld" and "EndPortalWorld" variable instead? This way there is always a variable that is unused.

I believe the deadlock detecter only detects the deadlock. The thread will be deadlocked even if the detector is disabled.
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Actually the correct solution would be NOT to link worlds that don't exists in the first place. When the world is initialized and a link to a non-existing world is detected, the server should log a big fat warning with instructions on how to fix that, and disable the linking.
The server should never ever create a world that the admin didn't specify in settings.ini.

@NiLSPACE: The deadlock detector works by checking regularly if the world's time has changed; if the time doesn't change for the specified time, it considers this a deadlock. It cannot distinguish true deadlocks from work overload which is what this is.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE

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