A project aimed to expand the original cuboid plugin into a comprehensive suite for all your building, landscaping, and terraforming needs.
-Developed by Omencraft Plugin Team (Luthrandel, Kwen)
-Original cuboid plugin by benphelps
The basic cuboid tool is the wand, otherwise known as a stick (Item Id 280). To select an area, hold your wand and click on a block. Left click defines Pos1, the first corner of the area, and right click defines Pos2, the opposite corner. The space in between the two points becomes your selected area. Commands acting on a selected area (aka. Area Commands) will now effect this space.
Many functions (sphere, cylinder, pyramid) will instead require a point to center around (aka. Point Commands). For such functions your selection Pos1, or left click point, will be used as this center point.
All functions requiring a block id will also accept meta deta in the form of BlockId:Meta.
Basic Commands
Area Commands
Point Commands
Copy / Paste Commands
Brush Instructions
Caution: Still under development.
Brushes are configured using the /Brush command and activated by right clicking with the brush tool (Id 262 - Arrow) from a distance. Not all brush types will support all configurations and settings.
Download [R3] (old)
Download (Updated by Hunterz to be compatible with new system) (old)
Download v4 (Updated by FakeTruth)
Put the CuboidPlus.zip file in your Plugins directory and choose 'extract here'. Then add NewPlugin=CuboidPlus to your settings.ini
CuboidPlus.zip (Size: 14.95 KB / Downloads: 576)
-Developed by Omencraft Plugin Team (Luthrandel, Kwen)
-Original cuboid plugin by benphelps
The basic cuboid tool is the wand, otherwise known as a stick (Item Id 280). To select an area, hold your wand and click on a block. Left click defines Pos1, the first corner of the area, and right click defines Pos2, the opposite corner. The space in between the two points becomes your selected area. Commands acting on a selected area (aka. Area Commands) will now effect this space.
Many functions (sphere, cylinder, pyramid) will instead require a point to center around (aka. Point Commands). For such functions your selection Pos1, or left click point, will be used as this center point.
All functions requiring a block id will also accept meta deta in the form of BlockId:Meta.
- [R3] - 11/29/11
- Updated to work with r141+
- Drain brush fixed
- cuboid.ini
- DoubleSlash - commands require two slashes (aka WE mode).
- CuboidEnable - Auto enable cuboid on join. More convenience.
- Updated to work with r141+
- [R2] - 11/8/11
- Melt, Smooth, Lift, Over, Top, and drain brushes were added.
- /line [BlockId], and /redo functions added.
- Melt, Smooth, Lift, Over, Top, and drain brushes were added.
Basic Commands
- /cuboid
- Desc: Enables/disables cuboid and brush functions for the user. Call this first.
- Aliases: /c
- Perm: cuboid.cuboid
- Desc: Enables/disables cuboid and brush functions for the user. Call this first.
- /wand
- Desc: Gives the user a "wand" (Id 280 - Stick); the tool used for cuboid selection.
- Perm: cuboid.wand
- Desc: Gives the user a "wand" (Id 280 - Stick); the tool used for cuboid selection.
- /undo
- Desc: Undo up to 10 commands the user recently called.
- Perm: cuboid.undo
- Desc: Undo up to 10 commands the user recently called.
- /redo
- Desc: Reapplies the last undo the user recently called.
- Perm: cuboid.redo
- Desc: Reapplies the last undo the user recently called.
Area Commands
- /fill [BlockId]
- Desc: Fill selected area with block of type BlockId.
- Aliases: /set /z
- Perm: cuboid.fill
- Desc: Fill selected area with block of type BlockId.
- /hfill [BlockId]
- Desc: Fill the exterior of a selected area with block of Type BlockId.
- Perm: cuboid.hfill
- Desc: Fill the exterior of a selected area with block of Type BlockId.
- /replace [BlockId] [ReplaceId]
- Desc: Replaces all blocks in the selected area of type ReplaceId with type BlockId
- Perm: cuboid.replace
- Desc: Replaces all blocks in the selected area of type ReplaceId with type BlockId
- /delete
- Desc: Clears all blocks in the selected area.
- Perm: cuboid.delete
- Desc: Clears all blocks in the selected area.
- /overlay [BlockId]
- Desc: Overlays all blocks within the limits of the selected area with block of type BlockId.
- Aliases: /over
- Perm: cuboid.overlay
- Desc: Overlays all blocks within the limits of the selected area with block of type BlockId.
- /line [BlockId]
- Desc: Draws a line between Pos1 and Pos2.
- Perm: cuboid.line
- Desc: Draws a line between Pos1 and Pos2.
- /expand [Number]
- Desc: Expands the selection area, relative to the user's direction, by Number.
- Perm: cuboid.extract
- Desc: Expands the selection area, relative to the user's direction, by Number.
- /contract [Number]
- Desc: Contracts the selection area, relative to the user's direction, by Number.
- Perm: cuboid.contract
- Desc: Contracts the selection area, relative to the user's direction, by Number.
- /outset [Number]
- Desc: Expands the selection area, in all directions, by Number.
- Perm: cuboid.outset
- Desc: Expands the selection area, in all directions, by Number.
- /inset [Number]
- Desc: Constracts the selection area, in all directions, by Number.
- Perm: cuboid.inset
- Desc: Constracts the selection area, in all directions, by Number.
- /shift [Distance]
- Desc: Moves the selection area position, relative to the user's direction, by Distance.
- Perm: cuboid.shift
- Desc: Moves the selection area position, relative to the user's direction, by Distance.
- /stack [Number]
- Desc: Duplicates the selection Number of times relative to the user's direction.
- Perm: cuboid.stack
- Desc: Duplicates the selection Number of times relative to the user's direction.
- /pos1
- Desc: Sets the users Pos1 (Left click) to their current position.
- Perm: cuboid.pos1
- Desc: Sets the users Pos1 (Left click) to their current position.
- /pos2
- Desc: Sets the users Pos2 (Right click) to their current position.
- Perm: cuboid.pos2
- Desc: Sets the users Pos2 (Right click) to their current position.
- /ceil
- Desc: Sets the selection area height to the top of the map.
- Perm: cuboid.ceil
- Desc: Sets the selection area height to the top of the map.
- /floor
- Desc: Sets the selection area depth to the bottom of the map.
- Perm: cuboid.floor
- Desc: Sets the selection area depth to the bottom of the map.
- /size
- Desc: Shows the total number of blocks in the selected area.
- Perm: cuboid.size
- Desc: Shows the total number of blocks in the selected area.
Point Commands
- /circle [Radius] [BlockId]
- Desc: Generates a circle of size Radius using block type BlockId centered at Pos1.
- Perm: cuboid.circle
- Desc: Generates a circle of size Radius using block type BlockId centered at Pos1.
- /disk [Radius] [BlockId]
- Desc: Generates a disk of size Radius using block type BlockId centered at Pos1.
- Perm: cuboid.disk
- Desc: Generates a disk of size Radius using block type BlockId centered at Pos1.
- /cylinder [Radius] [Height] [BlockId]
- Desc: Generates a cylinder of size Radius and height Height using block type of BlockId centered at Pos1.
- Perm: cuboid.cylinder
- Desc: Generates a cylinder of size Radius and height Height using block type of BlockId centered at Pos1.
- /square [Size] [Block]
- Desc: Generates a square of size Size using block of type BlockId centered at Pos1.
- Perm: cuboid.square
- Desc: Generates a square of size Size using block of type BlockId centered at Pos1.
- /pyramid [Size] [Block]
- Desc: Generates a pyramid of size Size using block of type BlockId centered at Pos1.
- Perm: cuboid.pyramid
- Desc: Generates a pyramid of size Size using block of type BlockId centered at Pos1.
- /sphere [Radius] [Block] [Filled]
- Desc: Generates a sphere of radius Radius using block of type BlockId centered at Pos1. If filled is 0 then the sphere is hollow; otherwise solid.
- Perm: cuboid.sphere
- Desc: Generates a sphere of radius Radius using block of type BlockId centered at Pos1. If filled is 0 then the sphere is hollow; otherwise solid.
Copy / Paste Commands
- /copy (small bug. will be fixed shortly)
- Desc: Copies the selection area into the clipboard relative to players location.
- Perm: cuboid.copy
- Desc: Copies the selection area into the clipboard relative to players location.
- /copyc
- Desc: Centers the relative position of the clipboard along the x/y axis.
- Aliases: /cc
- Perm: cuboid.copyc
- Desc: Centers the relative position of the clipboard along the x/y axis.
- /copyt
- Desc: Sets the relative position y to the top of the clipboard.
- Aliases: /ct
- Perm: cuboid.copytop
- Desc: Sets the relative position y to the top of the clipboard.
- /copyb
- Desc: Sets the relative position y to the bottom of the clipboard..
- Aliases: /cb
- Perm: cuboid.copybottom
- Desc: Sets the relative position y to the bottom of the clipboard..
- /paste
- Desc: Pastes the clipboard onto a location relative to the user.
- Perm: cuboid.paste
- Desc: Pastes the clipboard onto a location relative to the user.
- /pasteb
- Desc: Pastes the non air blocks in the clipboard onto a location relative to the user.
- Perm: cuboid.pasteb
- Desc: Pastes the non air blocks in the clipboard onto a location relative to the user.
- /mirrorx
- Desc: Mirrors the clipboard along the x axis.
- Perm: cuboid.mirrorx
- Desc: Mirrors the clipboard along the x axis.
- /mirrory
- Desc: Mirrors the clipboard along the y axis.
- Perm: cuboid.mirrory
- Desc: Mirrors the clipboard along the y axis.
- /mirrorz
- Desc: Mirrors the clipboard along the z axis.
- Perm: cuboid.mirrorz
- Desc: Mirrors the clipboard along the z axis.
- /rotate [angle]
- Desc: Rotates the clipboard counterclockwise in 90 degree increments.
- Perm: cuboid.rotate
- Desc: Rotates the clipboard counterclockwise in 90 degree increments.
- /cbclean
- Desc: Remove water and lava from the clipboard.
- Alias: /cbc
- Perm: cuboid.cbclean
- Desc: Remove water and lava from the clipboard.
Brush Instructions
Caution: Still under development.
Brushes are configured using the /Brush command and activated by right clicking with the brush tool (Id 262 - Arrow) from a distance. Not all brush types will support all configurations and settings.
- /brush [Type]
- Set <BlockId>
- Fills the targetted area with type BlockId.
- Erase <BlockId>
- Erases blocks in the targetted area.
- Accepts BlockId as an optional parameter to specify which blocks are erased.
- Erases blocks in the targetted area.
- Replace [BlockId] [ReplaceId]
- Replaces blocks of type ReplaceId with type BlockId
- Over [BlockId]
- Sets the top block in the targetted area to BlockId
- Top [BlockId]
- Places a layer of type BlockId on top of the targetted area.
- Smooth
- Attempts to smooth the targetted area.
- Melt
- Attempts to reduce the targetted area.
- Lift
- Attempts to lift outward the targetted area.
- Drain
- Removes water and lava in the targetted area.
- Set <BlockId>
- /brush [Shape]
- Sphere
- Cube
- Sphere
- /brush [BlockId]
- /brush [BlockId] [BlockId]
- /brush radius [Size]
- /brush range [Range]
Download [R3] (old)
Download (Updated by Hunterz to be compatible with new system) (old)
Download v4 (Updated by FakeTruth)
Put the CuboidPlus.zip file in your Plugins directory and choose 'extract here'. Then add NewPlugin=CuboidPlus to your settings.ini