[WEB] Show plugin permissions
(10-09-2015, 12:22 AM)NiLSPACE Wrote: Wow, I'm impressed. The only thing that you might want to change is showing a "Remove Permission" instead of no button at all.

But seriously, I'm amazed that this is your first Cuberite plugin.

When I saw that you used LUA for plugins, I dived straight in since I already know some LUA Smile And yeah, I could do that, can do a small update to include it.

Also, One thing you might have noticed on the video is that I added a command for Core called /killall, basically the same idea from Bukkit Essentials, execpt it kills all hostile mobs in the world (or do /killall all to kill non hostile ones (wolfs, cats, squids, villagers etc))

Here is the code thoTongue

function HandleKillMobsCommand( Split, Player )
	local GetMobs = 0
	local CountIfMob = function(Entity)
		if Entity:IsMob() and not Entity:IsDestroyed() then
			GetMobs = GetMobs + 1
			local class = Entity:GetClass()
			-- Got lazy here
			if Split[2] == "" or Split[2] ~= "all" then
				if class == "cSkeleton" or class == "cEnderman" or class == "cZombie" or class == "cSpider" or class == "cGuardian" or class == "cSlime" then
	Player:SendMessage("All " .. GetMobs .. " mobs has been deleted")
	return true

a quick little bump, the remove permission has now been added, and its on github Smile
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
I just noticed that you are using a function called HTMLError, but you haven't defined it yet.
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(10-13-2015, 05:28 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: I just noticed that you are using a function called HTMLError, but you haven't defined it yet.

Yeah, looks like i forgot to include the function. Will do a simple update now so it will include the HTMLError. :p
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So i got a simpleton question.....how do i install it ?

do i need to download the files seperately? or just do it like any other plugin?

Thanks for your help

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Download the plugin files into Server/Plugins and the webadmin files into Server/webadmin
That means
plugins/webber missions in repo should be in Server/Plugins/webpermissions
webadmin/files/datatables In the repo should be in Server/webadmin/files/datatables

then activate the plugin via webadmin or config.
Thanks given by: chrobione
(12-11-2015, 03:24 PM)Schwertspize Wrote: Download the plugin files into Server/Plugins and the webadmin files into Server/webadmin
That means
plugins/webber missions in repo should be in Server/Plugins/webpermissions
webadmin/files/datatables In the repo should be in Server/webadmin/files/datatables

then activate the plugin via webadmin or config.

Works like a charm.... Thank you.
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