*** Recipe Updates ***
Hello. I'm back, i see that you already made all the recipes. coolTongue
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We seem to have more recipes than vanilla Wink
Vanilla, when run in the console, reports 182 recipes. MCServer reports 189 crafting recipes.
It could be that vanilla uses recipe mirroring flags, thus lowering the number of recipes, or maybe we have some recipes that are in the snapshots but not in the official release yet. I don't know, and frankly, I don't care Wink Just thought that this piece of information would be cool.
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I didn't implemented 1.3 recipes... There are 2 new of them (ender chest and book and quill, as far as I can remember) and 1 modified (book crafting will requie 1 piece of leather per book... Damn, farewell gorgeours libraries!)

So I suppose that's because of mirroring. But still, coolTongue
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There is also tripwire and block of emerald.
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if you craft for example an cake with milk bukket. the bukkets disapear.
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Yes, emptying buckets is not yet implemented. Bummer, that one will be difficultTongue
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with the 1.3 updates there are new crafting recipes and blocks. when will those be implented? and should it also have a 1.2 section and 1.3 section?
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Well, why don't you go ahead and write those recipes? I think the recipe syntax is easy enough now to follow.
I don't think we should have different sections for different versions. The 1.2.5 branch is there for compatibility reasons only and will not be updated too much, so let's just keep the most recent branch active. If a server admin wants strict 1.2.5 compatibility, they can remove the recipes themselves. But it's much easier to remove than to write anew, so all the recipes should be there.
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omg now i'm realy looking in to it it looks verry easy Smile il try itBig Grin
i now only need to implent the wooden slabs and then i am finished but i need a little longer for those.

Attached Files
.txt   crafting.txt (Size: 13.69 KB / Downloads: 291)
.txt   items.ini.txt (Size: 7.32 KB / Downloads: 304)
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We have a bug in the recipes, I just noticed Smile
An axe can be crafted using this grid:
Iron | Iron  | -
-    | Stick | Iron
-    | Stick | -
So axes cannot use the asterisks for auto-mirroring, they need to manually enter both of their variants.
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