Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Still the same, after a full rebuild.
It seems data-dependent. I erased the world/region folder and the crashes went away. So it's something in the world.
Luckily that will be easy to determine - I have used the flat+grass generator as I said in the Indefinite Lava thread; when the world is generated anew, there is no crash; when I put lava as described there and restart server, the crashes start happenning.
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I think I've broken the protocol a little bit. It seems that chat messages are having trouble getting through properly. I'll fix that soon(ish)
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Chat messages fixed as part of the protocol rewrite in rev 800 (woooo)
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When will 1.3.2 version ?
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I give it three weeks to one month.
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After spending a whole day yesterday getting OpenSSL to compile for a work project, I definitely refuse to use it in MCServer. It's too cumbersome.

We'll use CryptoPP instead, it seems much neater, much more focused and it compiles from source straight out-of-the-box, no bulky configuration needed.

On a side note, I find it most strange that anytime I start fiddling with something in my free time, sooner or later a similar task pops up at work. Just like with the encryption stuff now.
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(08-30-2012, 10:47 PM)xoft Wrote: After spending a whole day yesterday getting OpenSSL to compile for a work project, I definitely refuse to use it in MCServer. It's too cumbersome.

We'll use CryptoPP instead, it seems much neater, much more focused and it compiles from source straight out-of-the-box, no bulky configuration needed.

On a side note, I find it most strange that anytime I start fiddling with something in my free time, sooner or later a similar task pops up at work. Just like with the encryption stuff now.

Well that's convenient!
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I HATE crypto libraries! All of them, unconditionally! Why can't they write proper docs?

I've spent an entire evening trying to get one single encrypted message through. Most of the time was spent searching the google for example code on library use and pulling my hair while looking at the code, wondering why it doesn't work, and tracing through convoluted OOP constructs.
Look what I got after enabling encryption in 1.3.2 Wink
[Image: weird_string.png]
Yeah, it seems I got the encryption working Smile))
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I'd try to help with something (I swear I'm trying to understand C + +), however every time I try to connect appears the error: "Bad Login"

BTW: Good job, I am impressed with your ability to program
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What client version are you connecting with? 1.3.2 is still not supported, I only got it to exchange the first encrypted packet, but then it fails (because the packet format changed, too)

I'm somewhat puzzled by the latest revision of "Slot data" in the protocol spec. It doesn't seem to mention sending the item health anywhere - how is the health sent, then?
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