Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Well, the performance was mediocre. Could have done worse, could have done much better.
Unfortunately, we were failed by the videocamera crew. We gave our videocamera to the guy with the most expensive-looking camera and asked him to record the performance; afterwards, he came to us saying "sorry, didn't notice it was set for taking photos" Sad

But then, the rest of the evening was awsome. It was a pre-christmas party for the mentally disabled, and, my god, they're such great people. They really do enjoy the little things of life with such unfiltered happiness, they are so straight with everything they do. When we finished the performance, the announcer just said "and now it's time for you to dance", and before the music even started playing, the dancefloor was full. Unlike "normal" people, they had no fear or shyness of us, they just came and asked for a dance. It was really refreshing to join them, like lifting all the burdens of everyday life and just enjoying the present. It felt almost like back in childhood Smile
Several of them came to me, asking seriously: "where did you find that princess?"Big Grin
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sounds like it was a great party Smile
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With Rev 1070 i get an warning with player.cpp when i compile, and when i compiled it and start the server and login the server crashes.
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Can you test this patch and see if it works? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21041937/p2.patch

Ok, commited. It should fix the warnings at least.
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but it still crashes when i try to join. :S
it works again if you change the: if ((a_GameMode >= 3)
back to if ((a_GameMode >= 2) again.
in player.cpp
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(11-29-2012, 12:03 AM)STR_Warrior Wrote: but it still crashes when i try to join. :S
it works again if you change the: if ((a_GameMode >= 3)
back to if ((a_GameMode >= 2) again.
in player.cpp
Are you sure that you are using a non modded Minecraft client?
Can you please try to redownload MCServer, recompile it, generate a new world, disable any unofficial plugins and see if the bug still persists?
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oh yes now it works. weird i only had optifine installed.
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Here's a recording of our dance performance, salvaged from the camera. Just don't laugh too hard Wink

Dear diary,
I'm probably not gonna make too many commits in the coming two months. In two weeks, I'm leaving for a month-and-a-half long holiday, I'll be joining my Lady in Korea (finally!) and then we'll travel to New Zealand. I'm already experiencing travel-frenzy.
This is a temporary goodbye to the MCServer community, thanks for everything and be god, don't break many things while I'm gone Wink
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Ooooohhh cool! Have a good time man!
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yay from sinterklaas (the dutch version of santa) i got a book where you can learn c++Big Grin
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