AutoSave&Restart v1
AutoRestart is a plugin that allows you to restart the server or save the worlds every few hours. For default is configured to restart every 12 hours, and save all worlds every 3 minutes.

-Restart the server automatically.
-Save all worlds automatically (MCServer does it, but with AutoSave&Restart the time in that the worlds are saved is configurable).

/ar -Restart the server (like /restart) autorestart.autorestart
/as -Save all worlds (like /save-all) autosave.autorestart

Configuration (AutoRestart/main.lua)
RestartTime: Time between each restart (in seconds)
SaveTime: Time between each save (in seconds)

Attached Files
.zip   AutoSave& (Size: 901 bytes / Downloads: 642)
Thanks given by: proniss
congratulations with your first plugin ;D there is only one thing but i don't think its your plugins fault. MCServer crashes when it restarts.
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(04-27-2013, 09:18 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: congratulations with your first plugin ;D there is only one thing but i don't think its your plugins fault. MCServer crashes when it restarts.
Sorry for that, but for me is working fine with latest MCServer.
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i'll try to recompile MCServer Wink
Well it still crashes for me.
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(04-27-2013, 09:26 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: i'l try to recompile MCServer Wink
Well it still crashes for me.
But, it crashes with my plugin or with restart command?
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when you use /ar
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(04-27-2013, 11:05 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: when u use /ar
Try with /restart, if it crashes, it isn't a problem of my plugin.
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Is there any benefit gained by restarting a server? I don't see any, because if there's anything that you gain by restarting, such as free memory or performance, then it's a bug in the server that should really be reported and fixed rather than worked-around.
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nope it doesn't crash when i use /restart. but i think its a problem in the ExecuteConsoleCommand function in the source.
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(04-27-2013, 11:14 PM)xoft Wrote: Is there any benefit gained by restarting a server? I don't see any, because if there's anything that you gain by restarting, such as free memory or performance, then it's a bug in the server that should really be reported and fixed rather than worked-around.
For me it's usefull, becouse sometimes server crashes after a few hours on, so I think autorestart can help.
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