I uploaded my first code for issue #64. I sometimes changed or removed a command handler (for example most of the generation commands with a hollow version now use the same handler), but most are still the same. I also haven't moved all of the command handlers yet.
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Well, the holiday is ending :| I think I've done well rewriting, adding features and improving the code Smile
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Yup, it all moved forward pretty nicely.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
A few days ago it was the 2nd anniversary of WorldEditBig Grin
Thanks given by: Mathias
And the plugin has come a looong way since then.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Whoah, I managed to speed up the sphere creation by allot. First it took 3,988 seconds to create a 40x40x40 sphere, but now it took only 0,103 seconds. This was simply by only checking 1/8 of the sphere, while setting all other parts of the sphere. I did notice that the number of blocks that changed isn't the same as before, but I think it's worth it.

Wait, I still have to implement hollow spheres. This could slow it down a little, but I doubt by allot.

Whoah, I just can't believe how quick this is. A sphere with a radius of 90 is done in 1.669 seconds!

Wow, I just discovered that bukkit WorldEdit doesn't have the number of changed blocks correct either. When using //sphere glass 4 it says 624 blocks have been created, while when I replace them with dirt it says 389 blocks have been replaced.
Thanks given by: Seadragon91
Wow, I discovered that there is an AsyncWorldEdit plugin that hooks into the normal WorldEdit plugin: Demo:

I tried pasting the same structure as in the demo on Cuberite, and it only took 3.84 seconds, while when I tried it on a local Spigot server the server crashed after more than a minute.
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(06-30-2015, 08:10 AM)NiLSPACE Wrote: Wow, I discovered that there is an AsyncWorldEdit plugin that hooks into the normal WorldEdit plugin: Demo:

I tried pasting the same structure on Cuberite, and it only took 3.84 seconds, while when I tried it on a local Spigot server the server crashed after more than a minute.

Testament to your good coding and C++!
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Though mostly C++ Wink. Without cBlockArea who knows how much slower it would've been.
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I might try the same task in a profile build. See if there's anything we can do to drop the benchmark. also you should put the numbers in the readme, because they really show the advantages of the server.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE

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