Hello all,
This is technically not a new plugin just a major version change for JonnyBoy0719's plugin. He was kind enough to let me go crazy on his plugin as an excuse to learn lua. Anyways I will refer to his original post for images/credits etc and just give you an update of changes/new features;
First off this is a major version bump because it is not compatible with version 2.0. You will need to migrate your portal config to the new format. Or just recreate your portals in game.
Hope you guys like it.
1. new web admin page for portals
2. removed web admin page for player data
3. Portals can now have several targets (destination portals)!!!
When a user enters a portal with multiple destinations they can use a command (/pteleport) to choose where they want to go.
4. fixes for the portal timer (only applies when there is only one destination)
5. several commands changed ( I will list them below)
6. portals can now be disabled!! this works on a per portal or global level
I think thats pretty much everything. See the github repo for full changelog or to download.
Future Development
The features I think would be nice in the future are:
1. teleporting a user to a point inside the target portal instead of requiring someone to configure where a user should appear. (I would appreciate ideas/help from someone more knowledgeable than myself for this one)
2. allow portals to target arbitrary points anywhere instead of just other portals ( this technically is technically possible already within the same world but is unintended. This would be fairly easy to implement I think)
3. make plugin functions callable by other plugins for use in scripted mission/ whatever you can think of. ( I believe I saw somewhere an example of a plugin calling another but If someone can point me to one for reference that would be great.)
4. maybe a countdown until teleport for portals that have only one destination ( it didn't make sense to make multi destination portals where the user has to run a command also require the user to wait just to enter that command)
Edit: added a readme to the repo
This is technically not a new plugin just a major version change for JonnyBoy0719's plugin. He was kind enough to let me go crazy on his plugin as an excuse to learn lua. Anyways I will refer to his original post for images/credits etc and just give you an update of changes/new features;
First off this is a major version bump because it is not compatible with version 2.0. You will need to migrate your portal config to the new format. Or just recreate your portals in game.
Hope you guys like it.
1. new web admin page for portals
2. removed web admin page for player data
3. Portals can now have several targets (destination portals)!!!
When a user enters a portal with multiple destinations they can use a command (/pteleport) to choose where they want to go.
4. fixes for the portal timer (only applies when there is only one destination)
5. several commands changed ( I will list them below)
6. portals can now be disabled!! this works on a per portal or global level
I think thats pretty much everything. See the github repo for full changelog or to download.
- /ptoggle - toggle the portal point selection tool (wooden sword)
- /pcreate - create a portal (use after selecting two points)
- /pconnect - connects two portals (or if a connection already exists it now removes it since portals can have multiple destinations
- /pdest - sets the point that a user appears when they are teleported to a given portal
- /pinfo - print either a list of the portals, a portals config or a players current state
- /pmanage - enable/disable all or a specific portal ( these are handled separately so if you disable then enable all portals at a global level then any portals that were disabled individually will still be disabled.
- /pteleport - used when you are standing in a portal with multiple targets to decide where to go
- /phelp - plugin specifc help: either list commands or get usage info for a command
Future Development
The features I think would be nice in the future are:
1. teleporting a user to a point inside the target portal instead of requiring someone to configure where a user should appear. (I would appreciate ideas/help from someone more knowledgeable than myself for this one)
2. allow portals to target arbitrary points anywhere instead of just other portals ( this technically is technically possible already within the same world but is unintended. This would be fairly easy to implement I think)
3. make plugin functions callable by other plugins for use in scripted mission/ whatever you can think of. ( I believe I saw somewhere an example of a plugin calling another but If someone can point me to one for reference that would be great.)
4. maybe a countdown until teleport for portals that have only one destination ( it didn't make sense to make multi destination portals where the user has to run a command also require the user to wait just to enter that command)
Edit: added a readme to the repo