Random Chitchat 2019
I got an email from Schine (https://schine.games/ , developers of StarMade), based on Cuberite they are asking me to share some experience developing modding support. Them saying that Cuberite is super cool is awesome Smile

Unfortunately I don't think I can help them much, they are in a totally different position (StarMade is written in Java).
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I seem unable to start a new thread, when I either preview or post, it says "please fix the following problems:" and there's no problems listed.
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Yeah, I've got the same problem. Probably because of the new editor as the text is gone after attempting to post/preview.
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Also, you can't edit a comment inside the 'Preview Post' screen while trying to post a reply.
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What seems to have happened is that the MyBB team made some larger changes to the editor, but the forum didn't upgrade properly. Some templates are still from older versions of MyBB. I'll try upgrading the forum again.

As for the shcode issue: I disabled the the plugin responsible for this when debugging the editor, but wasn't able to activate it again due to a database error. I don't have access to the database, but I'll see what I can accomplish with FTP access.
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Shcode should work again.

I found out what the issue is with our forum. The PHP installation is missing the XML module, which is required by some parts of MyBB (the installer/upgrader, browsing plugins etc). @sphinxc0re, can you install the XML module? https://serverfault.com/questions/797469...ser-create
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Great, thanks. Only now HTML is leaking again into the editor when editing posts (I edited yours to fix SphinxC0re's mention).
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(08-08-2019, 02:21 AM)xoft Wrote: Great, thanks. Only now HTML is leaking again into the editor when editing posts (I edited yours to fix SphinxC0re's mention).
Will be fixed once we get the PHP issue fixed and are able to upgrade the forum templates properly. I sent Julian an email in case he doesn't read this topic.
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I manually updated the template responsible for the editor to fix the HTML issue. This isn't a good fix, but it works for now.
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Shcode still doesn't seem to work. I'm looking at https://forum.cuberite.org/thread-3215-page-2.html which has a few code-heavy posts, none of them render right.
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