Random Chitchat 2012-2016
I'm pretty sure it didn't happen before MCServer became 1.3 compatible
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Why didn't anyone tell me that bonemealing saplings to grow trees didn't work?
There, fixed in rev 924.
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I'm trying to not fuck up my life by making a game Smile
Idea is simple: borderlands meets audiosurf and rape it Angel outcome is my game (rhythm shooter).
So expect no MCS stuff for two, three weeks.

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I'll be finishing the writing side of the cBlockArea, so that it can be actually somewhat useful.
Then I'll attack the blockticking, rewriting it quite a lot to use a permanent buffer and a dynamic overflow buffer for each chunk. That way I'll unify blockticks with blockchecks.
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can you maybe fix that there is no message when someone joins but there is a disconnect message and a leave message when someone dissconnects?
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That should be made configurable; in large servers there could be so many joins / leaves that normal messages would whizz by too fast.
Report that into the bug tracker, or else it will get lost in this thread.
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reported Smile
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I have removed the old buggy redstone simulator, hope I didn't break anythingTongue
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oh, finally...
btw, what is that weird loop with cii iterator inside the cWorld::Tick? I thought it was completely related to old redstone simulator, but I see the most of it remained.
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I, too, think it was for the old redstone, but it has some other effects (FastSetBlock()) that might break the new redstone if I removed it. Since I'm not a redstone wiz, I'm leaving this one for FakeTruth to tackle.
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