MC-Server on Raspberry Pi
Hi there. Smile

It's great to see the process of this server.
I have a few quick questions to other people running MCServer on the pi:
- It seems impossible to pick up flowers and mushrooms. They just disappear if you hit them. Login out and in again lets them reappear.
Edit: This is in the server console (debug mode) when harvesting flowers:

[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 5; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 5; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 1; Stat: 1
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 64, 357}; Face: 1; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 64, 357}; Face: 255; Stat: 1

- I can't plant boats on the water. They just disappear and, just like the flowers and mushrooms, a logoff and login makes it reappear in my inventory.

Is it just me or are those general bugs?


//Just found another thing:
Wearing a pumpkin as a helmet, its put on backwards when switching to third person view. Smile
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I think I had the same issue with flowers in the Windows version. Probably someone forgot to implement flowers at all.

Boats are not implemented at all and probably won't be for a while, so this is an expected behavior ("known bug", if you will)

Wearing a pumpkin helmet backwards used to be a bug in the client (maybe it has been fixed since, dunno), I don't think there's anything about MCServer that would cause this bug to appear / disappear.
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Sad Are minecarts in either?
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(02-13-2013, 02:26 AM)xoft Wrote: Wearing a pumpkin helmet backwards used to be a bug in the client (maybe it has been fixed since, dunno), I don't think there's anything about MCServer that would cause this bug to appear / disappear.

If i wear one in the a single player game it looks fine. I used the standard textures.

Another thing i found is cooking meat. It seems not to work. Making Stone from Cobble Stone works, so i think the stove is working. Smile

Greetings. Smile
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I'll check that later.

You might want to put these issues into the issue tracker ( ) so that they won't get lost like in a forum here - a few replies and they're gone on an old pageTongue

Bearbin, minecarts are not implemented either. Vehicles need a lot of physics support and new protocol packets, so it's not as trivial. I'd love to add minecarts, I love minecarting, but I haven't yet found the necessary determination to add them. There's always something that needs doing first.

There's a thread on the forum, where supported and missing features are listed. It's being kept up to date pretty well, so that might be your primary source of information.
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Now there seems to be a problem within the last two updates (1224/1225).
Starting the server lets him load all the chunks, but he gets stuck on the lighting.
He just keeps saying '123 Chunks remain to light'.

As far as i've checked it occurs on existing maps and new maps.

Anyone has similar experiences?

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Might be, I have no means of checking that my changes actually work, since my minecraft-capable computer is still in repairs. But I didn't have any issues with the server start in the Win version. I'll re-check once again.

You're right, there was a copypasta error in rev 1224. Should be fixed in rev 1226. Sorry for that.
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Thumbs Up 
Seems to be fixed in 1226. Smile
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I have not had many problems with MC-Server running on my PI.


What I have noticed though is if I import maps then i get random crashes etc. Also I think some clients cause the server to crash too.

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(02-28-2013, 02:07 AM)RattyDAVE Wrote: What I have noticed though is if I import maps then i get random crashes etc. Also I think some clients cause the server to crash too.

Can you try to do some analysis on these crashes for me? Since I don't have a RasPi, I cannot even try to reproduce the bug(s), but maybe we can find the culprit together.

There's a rather detailed guide on how to report crashes; for the RasPi, either the live analysis or the post-mortem analysis is a vital step (we cannot debug the core-dump without the hardware). Here's the guide link:

If there's anything about the guide that you don't understand, feel free to ask in that thread, after all we want this to succeed Smile
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