Hi there. 
It's great to see the process of this server.
I have a few quick questions to other people running MCServer on the pi:
- It seems impossible to pick up flowers and mushrooms. They just disappear if you hit them. Login out and in again lets them reappear.
Edit: This is in the server console (debug mode) when harvesting flowers:
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 5; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 5; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 1; Stat: 1
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 64, 357}; Face: 1; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 64, 357}; Face: 255; Stat: 1
- I can't plant boats on the water. They just disappear and, just like the flowers and mushrooms, a logoff and login makes it reappear in my inventory.
Is it just me or are those general bugs?
//Just found another thing:
Wearing a pumpkin as a helmet, its put on backwards when switching to third person view.

It's great to see the process of this server.
I have a few quick questions to other people running MCServer on the pi:
- It seems impossible to pick up flowers and mushrooms. They just disappear if you hit them. Login out and in again lets them reappear.
Edit: This is in the server console (debug mode) when harvesting flowers:
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 5; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 5; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 65, 357}; Face: 1; Stat: 1
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 64, 357}; Face: 1; Stat: 0
[b0681460|14:34:52] HandleLeftClick: {252, 64, 357}; Face: 255; Stat: 1
- I can't plant boats on the water. They just disappear and, just like the flowers and mushrooms, a logoff and login makes it reappear in my inventory.
Is it just me or are those general bugs?
//Just found another thing:
Wearing a pumpkin as a helmet, its put on backwards when switching to third person view.