MC-Server on Raspberry Pi
Can you post your build log, so that I can see the exact error messages? Maybe we can fix them so that the -fpermissive flag is not needed anymore.

Oh, and the flag needs to be added into the GNUmakefile, to the CXX_OPTIONS and CC_OPTIONS. Note that there are several lines setting those variables, either add the flag to all of them, or at least to the relevant part - either release or debug, whichever you're building ("make release=1" -> "release build" part of GNUmakefile)
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I just finished compiling this on my Pi, and when I try to connect it boots me before loading the level. Then on my server list it says version 1.3. I'm using the vanilla client 1.4.5. Is there a small change I can do to get it to work with my current client?

TLDR: How to get 1.3 MCserver working with 1.4.5 client?
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MCServer should work with 1.2.5 all the way to 1.4.5. Are you sure you have no mods at all. Even REI's minimap sets off MCServer and means you can't join. Try getting a new build from here: and seeing if that fixes it.
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As for client versions, 1.4 clients and higher do check the server version before connecting, so the server needs to send a version number to them. That is the PrimaryServerVersion value in settings.ini, documented here:
You should be best off with an up-to-date version from the svn and leaving the value unset.
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I downloaded the source files here which is the MCServer rev 1024 source files.
I did the settings change to Version=47 and ended up with the same error not being able to connect. But the version number changed to 1.4.2 as expected.

I'm going to attempt to get the most recent version compiled. If not I'll use the build bearbin linked.

Thanks guys for your reply, I just got up so I'm looking forward to getting this working today.
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I did the same mistake.

You need to get the source from their subversion server. This Tutorial is helpfull:

1074 is the current version - if i'm right.

By the way: Great project.

I'm running 1074 on a raspberry pi with arch linux. The performance seems great, but a few bugs are still there.

Greetings. Smile
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1074 is the most recent revision on their svn server.
I just finished compiling on my Pi (that also runs Arch!) and I was able to join with my Vanilla client 1.4.5 with no problems.
It also runs really fast.

Thank you Dev's for all your hard work!
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Good to hear it worksTongue
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Hi there,

I'm still having some difficulties running "picraft". Whenever i start walking in one direction it crashes. I don't know if its the loading of chunks or the generating of them or something else.
It only says "killed" in the console. So i tried compiling it in debug mode without the option release=1. But that fails with the following error:

[...]build/debug/WebServer/Events.o -o MCServer/MCServer
collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]
make: *** [MCServer/MCServer] Error 1

If i run "make release=1" it compiles just fine.

I'm running Arch Linux in the latest version and have installed gcc and make via pacman.

The Source Code is up to date and checked out of your subversion system.

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(12-17-2012, 10:20 PM)gandl Wrote: Hi there,

I'm still having some difficulties running "picraft". Whenever i start walking in one direction it crashes. I don't know if its the loading of chunks or the generating of them or something else.
It only says "killed" in the console. So i tried compiling it in debug mode without the option release=1. But that fails with the following error:

[...]build/debug/WebServer/Events.o -o MCServer/MCServer
collect2: error: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]
make: *** [MCServer/MCServer] Error 1

If i run "make release=1" it compiles just fine.

I'm running Arch Linux in the latest version and have installed gcc and make via pacman.

The Source Code is up to date and checked out of your subversion system.


Hi! I think that might be caused by the bug i wrote about yesterday:
Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
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