I finaly started working on the rewrite. I uploaded my current code here: https://github.com/NiLSPACE/Login/tree/Rewrite
Nothing works yet. Pretty much all I have is a database class. I simply uploaded it so people can follow the development.
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I suggest using the db to store player coordinates when they logout/disconnect (teleporting player to spawn afterwards), and tp them where they were after logging in - that way, the chances that client gets the coordinates someones at without logging in (before they are teleported) become zero. I didn't really see anyone use this trick to get hidden base coords, but it doesn't mean it's impossible.

Also, hiding player inventory on login could be a nice feature (but, that'd require a way to store it in the db).
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No need to store those things in a database. Simply a table is enough. I was already planning to add all those features Smile
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I'm getting closer to finishing things. All I want to do now is:
  • Add a /changepass command
  • Add a /removeacc command
  • Save & clear the players inventory and return it when the player logs in or logs out (from the server)
  • More ???
Thanks given by: jan64
Unless by table you mean a table in storage, tables go away when you reload / restart the server.
We don't want someones position/inventory to disappear with server restarts.
As a side note, having plugin-registerable hooks that fire when someone registers / logs in / logs out could be nice.
(I can code that when rewrite starts working reasonably)
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Or.. we simply return the position/inventory when the server reloads Smile That's what I'm doing now Smile
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You can't really return inventory / position to someone who logged out.
So, i guess You are doing it by removing inventory when someone logs in (the bad wayTongue) instead of doing it when someone logs out, and restoring it after they log in.

Also, i found something interesting while trying to find if anyone abused that before:
At the very end, there's a list of client-side hacks with descriptions how they are implemented (That could be very useful for anti-cheat Smile ).
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I'm having trouble implementing /removeacc.

I need to get the UUID that a belongs to the given username. I tried cMojangAPI:GetUUIDFromPlayerName, but the result I get from there isn't found in the database. I tried some things, and found out that GetUUIDFromPlayerName always returns the online UUID. Shouldn't it return an offline uuid when the server is in offline mode?
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Is there a way to convert a username to either an offline UUID or an online UUID depending on the settings of the server?
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I don't think we should bother with UUID's at all. This plugin is meant for offline servers.
Maybe add a switch in the config file that'd allow switching between the online UUID's / usernames as identifiers.
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