[DONE] Groups and permissions refactor
If you separate permission groups from the groups, there's nothing left in the groups. The prefix, postfix and color would be tied to the rank, not to a group.
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I mean there would be 2 groups, the permission-group and the rank iteself. So you can list permission-groups instead of extending another rank, that was my point. I'm still confused because of the "Player:" thing... Wouldn't it be easier to just make 2 lists like so: http://pastebin.com/rqFL1AX6 ?
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What you're calling groups will be ranks in the new system.

The "player <-> rank <-> permissiongroups[]" has nothing to do with the config files, it is how the relations will be represented inside MCS: each player will be assigned to a single rank, and each rank will have several permissiongroups assigned to it. Nothing more.

The actual configuration will be in a database, probably four tables:
- PlayerUUID
- PlayerName
- RankName (links with a Ranks record)
- RankName
- Prefix, Postfix, etc.
- GroupName
- RankName (links with a Ranks record)
- GroupName (links with a PermissionGroups record)
- Permission
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Okay, i get it now, looking forward to it Smile But i still think there should be also commands to manage them...
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Yes, those will need to be provided through Core, though.
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I guess the most important question for a server admin is: is it okay to put the configuration into a DB, where it isn't really editable from the outside? You will need to use the in-game commands, the server console or the WebAdmin to edit the permissions and everything.
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I think the WebAdmin alone should suffice for the configuration, but giving players ranks should be done in both WebAdmin and (in-game) commands.
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I'd say a DB is fine, as long as the tools for editing are very good, and the database doesn't suddenly end up corrupted and unusable. (the main problems with database-based systems)
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Yeah i think the WebAdmin would be okay too, command would be confusing for most Players. If you are an Admin/Owner of a Server you should definetly have acces to the WebAdmin. Using a database is the best solution too, because for those Server who are planning on doing multiple servers (like 90% of the Servers today) it would be easier to have access to the ranks from every single Server.
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You can also manage DBs with outside software, so that's not that much of a problem IMO
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