Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Might be a signed-ness issue somewhere in the protocol handling.
I can confirm that the client crashes when breaking sandstone stairs in survival mode. ProtoProxy reports a weird value in PACKET_SPAWN_PICKUP - the item is "<empty>".
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Dear diary,
I don't have any time left for MCServer. All my free time has been eaten by dance training. On Monday, I'll be making a public performance, and I'm really nervous because of it. Let's just hope for the best. I promise to post a video, if I can make someone record it Smile
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So you think you can dance?Big Grin
[Image: so_you_think_you_can_dance.jpg]
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Actually, I think I can Smile
[Image: _img_0668.jpg]
Thanks given by: Jers , steven2612 , Taugeshtu
Haha nice! Looking good!
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(11-25-2012, 08:26 PM)xoft Wrote: Actually, I think I can Smile
Nice Wink

(11-24-2012, 08:00 PM)Luksor Wrote: There seems to be a problem with drops that have ItemType higher than 127. MCServer sends "-1" as an pickup ItemType therefore crashing the client. It think it only happens with pickups spawned by breaking blocks in survival (for example Sandstone Stairs).
Just to let you know: I fixed this bug in r1068.
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(11-26-2012, 10:22 PM)Luksor Wrote: Just to let you know: I fixed this bug in r1068.

We should add some asserts to that code, so that we catch these errors at their source (and why are we doing the check, anyway? what if we wanted plugins that added some blocks?)
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i'm so curious how xoft's performance went Smile
Thanks given by: Taugeshtu
http://www.gamespot.com/minecraft/videos...2-6400552/ and go to 15:00. are they gonna change all the block ID's to names? that would ruin MC-Server right? or did i misunderstand maybe :S
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Nope. It will not affect MCServer at all. They want to replace all hardcoded IDs to names, just like BlockID enums in MCServer.
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