Core Forked (Core++?) (OBSOLETE)
Don't forget the proper protocol: before integrating, you need to ask the original author for permission Smile Those authors usually don't write an explicit licence for their plugins, so it's good manners to ask. And even if there is an explicit licence allowing you to integrate, do ask anyway, it'll make the author feel good Smile
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SP is MIT and I already told tiger it was ok Smile We're friends IRL so we talked on hangouts and stuff.
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(07-26-2013, 09:15 PM)tonibm19 Wrote: Oh, sorry. I didnt see that readme was a link

Smile I really like new webadmin design, good work.

How can I do a pull request? I'm a noob and I want to make a pull request. I fixed back. Now when you die you can go where you died

Also, back seems to work for me (not extensively tested). What was the problem you encountered?
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(07-27-2013, 08:27 AM)tigerw Wrote:
(07-26-2013, 09:15 PM)tonibm19 Wrote: Oh, sorry. I didnt see that readme was a link

Smile I really like new webadmin design, good work.

How can I do a pull request? I'm a noob and I want to make a pull request. I fixed back. Now when you die you can go where you died

Also, back seems to work for me (not extensively tested). What was the problem you encountered?
Yes, It works but for me it was not working with an old core version (I only replace executable when updating)
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I realy like the webadmin Wink It is a bit slower thanks to the animation though but it looks realy nice. About the death messages, I didn't add messages like 'was blown up by a creeper' on purpose becouse creepers don't blow up yet. Everything else looks like great changes.
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(07-27-2013, 07:53 PM)STR_Warrior Wrote: I realy like the webadmin Wink It is a bit slower thanks to the animation though but it looks realy nice. About the death messages, I didn't add messages like 'was blown up by a creeper' on purpose becouse creepers don't blow up yet. Everything else looks like great changes.
If you use T&C creepers blow Smile
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That is a plugin. It is not a real explosion. All it does is when a creeper hits you it destroys the creeper and creates a sphere around it. Explosions should be in the source not created with a plugin.
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Thanks for the support guys!

Okay, I've hit a problem.

function OnPlayerPlacingBlock(Player, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ, BlockType)
	-- Direction is air check
	if (BlockFace == -1) then
		return false

	if( Player:HasPermission("") == false ) then
		return true
        if Player:HasPermission("core.spawnprotect.bypass") == false then
    	    local World = Player:GetWorld()
            local xcoord = World:GetSpawnX()
            local ycoord = World:GetSpawnY()
	        local zcoord = World:GetSpawnZ()

	        if not ((BlockX <= (xcoord + PROTECTRADIUS)) and (BlockX >= (xcoord - PROTECTRADIUS))) then
		        return false -- Not in spawn area.
	        if not ((BlockY <= (ycoord + PROTECTRADIUS)) and (BlockY >= (ycoord - PROTECTRADIUS))) then 
                return false -- Not in spawn area.
	        if not ((BlockZ <= (zcoord + PROTECTRADIUS)) and (BlockZ >= (zcoord - PROTECTRADIUS))) then 
                return false -- Not in spawn area.
	        WriteLog(0, X, Y, Z, Player:GetName(), id, meta)

	        if WARNPLAYER then

	        return true
            if g_BlockIsSolid[BlockType] then -- ISSUE ISSUE
                local X = BlockX
                local Y = BlockY
                local Z = BlockZ
                X, Y, Z = AddFaceDirection(X, Y, Z, BlockFace)
	            if (Y >= 256 or Y < 0) then
            		return true

Log tells me: LUA: Plugins/Core/onbreakplaceblock.lua:36: attempt to index global 'g_BlockIsSolid' (a nil value).

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I think that g_BlockIsSolid isn't exported to the Lua API yet.
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There should be one that is exported though, or a function that works like it.
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